Saturday, November 12, 2011

Our day o'fun

It's a good thing that I've already failed once at blogging through out November because last night we lost our internet connection and there was no blogging for me.  As it turned out, a lot of people had lost their connection so it wasn't just us, but still, it was a bummer.

So anyway, today I took my best friend's eldest daughter M out for her birthday.  I am 11 days late with her gift but it was the first day I could do it.  However, I don't think she minded once I picked her up to get started on her birthday day o'fun.
Since this sweet girl is a fun mix of races, she has the beautiful, thick, curly, blackish brownish hair.  It's beautiful curly and it's beautiful straight.  But I figured that since she does like to do it straight now and again I would take her to a salon to have them do it for her.
Seeing as she's only 11, she's just starting on doing her hair and it's not easy for her to straighten her hair to perfection.  I'm sure I wouldn't be able to either.  Heck, I have a hard time not missing pieces on my fine wavy hair.  M at least has an excuse at the thickness and tight curls.
First we went out to eat.  I let her choose the place but I was afraid we'd be eating appetizers at one, entrees at another, and dessert at a third since she couldn't seem to decide.  She finally did and Red Lobster we went.  It was good but I was sad we were too full for dessert.
She brought up the feathers in girls hair so I asked if she wanted to get that done for her own.  She wasn't sure since it is normally curly but I told her that I thought it would look beautiful in her hair no matter how she wore it.
So off we went to the salon.
I had the lady wash, dry, straighten, and trim M's hair.  It took her an hour and a half to get it all done.  At one point when the lady was 3/4 of the way done, with a smirk on my face I told M that she looked a little to grown up and suggested the lady rewash her hair and just leave it curly. M only looked at me like I was crazy then said, "uh.. no." with a smile on hers.
I asked M if she still wanted the feathers so she took a look at them.  There was only two long ones, one was brown with an orange and the other was two red ones.  I really liked the red ones but M wasn't convinced.  The lady was nice and sent us over to the other salon knowing they'd have more of a selection.
So off we went to the other salon.
M and my favorite hairdresser was there (whoop) and she pulled out the feathers as soon as we let her know that's what we were there for.  Immediately I saw a purple one and I knew that's what M would want.  M obviously saw the purple one too.  At the first salon she could not make up her mind but here it was "Purple, yes, please and thank you".
She loved it.  Got it in her hair and she looks rockin.
Such a pretty and sweet girl.  I just love her but her parents are in trouble.


Rachel said...

Aww! That sounds like the perfect gift! How fun for her and for you! I miss that girl!

Kathy said...

How fun for both of you! Great gift for her birthday who cares if it's late!