Wednesday, November 02, 2011

I promise. You did not ruin Christmas.

I was super excited for Christmas for the fact that I was going to get something awesome for Bryan. Don't get me wrong, this is not my whole or only reason to get excited for Christmas but if you know my husband then you know it is seriously hard to find something seriously awesome for him.
I love Christmas: celebrating Christ's birth, fun and time with family and friends, giving gifts, Christmas music, and cookies, snow, and hot cocoa under a warm blanket. Not to mention our baby #2 will be here around then. excIting! But when it comes to finding a rockin' gift for my sweet hubby who doesn't ask for much but what he does ask for costs a very pretty penny, well, it's tough.
But with my gifts he's very sweet and tries very hard to buy me something that I'll really like. It usually is not cheap and he gives it a lot of thought.
So this year, I had it. I knew what to get him. I was going to buy him a brand new flatscreen HD TV.
We've only had one TV our entire marriage. We bought it brand new right after we got married and it is now pushing 8 years old. It's had a few glitches here and there within the last 6 months. At one point we thought it was a goner but it's held on. So we've had it in our minds to get a new TV soon anyway. Here was just the perfect opportunity.
Well, a couple of weeks ago Bryan had his five year anniversary at his job (totally awesome babe!). And with his review he got a very nice gift card to one of the Geek stores (that I really appreciate but it's totally not my thing) to buy whatever he wanted. He wasn't quite sure what to get so I suggested some new things for his computer but he didn't need anything.
Then, THEN, he came excitedly to me one day saying that {this Geek store} sold flatscreen TV's. I knew that this is what he wanted and there really wasGn't anything else he would want to get. So I broke the news to him. I told him that that is what I was planning on getting him for Christmas. He said he felt like a heel but I told him not to feel that way because it was a difference of paying full price for a new TV OR paying the $80 of what the gift card wouldn't.
I'll take the TV for $80, please, Alex.
So, Bryan ordered the new TV, it showed up on Halloween, and he set it up yesterday. Our house is a disaster but it's nice (and fun!) watching television shows and movies in HD on such a wide screen. Ok, it's awesome.
However, now I'm back to square one of what to get Bryan. Any ideas of something awesome, let me know, please, because I am at a loss.


Jacob said...

Don't have any brilliant ideas for you, but welcome to the world of HD! Funny how I never noticed such a big difference until we got it ourselves!

Jacob said...

Uh...that was Rachel. Apparently I'm logged in as my hubby!

Kathy said...

no suggestions from me, sorry - however a new daughter would be a pretty cool gift for both or all three of you :)