Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A bit of randomness and some catching up

Amelia hasn't been feeling very well the last couple of days. Yesterday, we took her in for her 6 month check up, yup she's officially 6 months as of last Monday, and she felt even worse afterward. She was fussy and achy. At one point she actually threw up.
Last night, she was running a slight fever of 99.7. She only woke up at two points in the night but when she woke up and after she ate she would fuss, and cry a bit for about a half hour to 45 minutes. Sometimes she just wanted to be held to fall back asleep. I felt so bad for her.
Today, she's still pretty fussy and achy. She did throw up again this morning. Both times were after I gave her some tylenol. We're figuring that she eats too much before hand and then the tylenol is just too much. I'm not sure. It's horrible though because then I'm afraid to give her any for her fever and aches. What to do, what to do...

Last week, my sister Courtney moved up here to get a head start on work and a place to live before school begins in the fall. It's nice having part of my family around. My mom, however, is now an empty-nester. She has called us a few time (3) last week, which I don't mind at all cause I always miss my mom. She also asked us to go down to her place this weekend. Can't blame her there since she doesn't get to see her grand-baby very often.

Courtney and I did go for a walk yesterday. It was gorgeous. I cant wait for more days in the 70's. I also got some yard work done. I have a blister to prove it!

Ok, I'm off to get some house work done while my sicky is sleeping.

...I think I'm in need of a Peanut Buster Parfait. Oooh, or some ColdStone...

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