Thursday, July 31, 2008

Baby Moon

Today I felt our baby get the hiccups for the first time. It was the sweetest little hiccup I've ever felt.
I've learned to cherish every moment that I feel her squirm, wriggle, stretch or shift. I love her more than I can say I've felt for anyone whom I haven't even met.
And I've also realized that this truly is an amazing time. I'm truly appreciating it. She really makes all the tough stuff about being pregnant go away. Especially those darned stretch marks. I find that it's all worth it. My mom bears hers for me, so why not I bear mine for my own. Sounds like a plan.

Tonight starts our Babymoon. Our 4 year anniversary is on Sunday and we figured that this is our one last anniversary without kids. So we're going to make the most of it. Events go from tonight to Monday afternoon (when the cable guy will show up). We'll try to take pictures of our little rondevous to record this event.
The PG stuff anyway ;)

And a very happy anniversary of 9 years to Keith and Emily.

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