Thursday, August 12, 2010

Our Wednesday

Yesterday was off to a tiring start. A had stayed up late the night before and didn't get to bed until 10. Which was awful for her. We were just out and about and didn't get home til late because of Worship practice and so yesterday morning she got up before she got enough sleep. That made for two trips back to the crib just to sit in there just for her binki. It isn't suppose to leave the crib so back she goes if she wants it.
Anyway, I ended up putting her down at her normal naptime, 12:30, even if she wasn't quite ready because I was. Since my sister was over, because of car dilemmas that I'll get to in a moment, and my husband working from home, I headed out to the pool for the youth Wednesday.
Sheila and three of her four kids, Jolene with her two kids, Pastor Keith with two of the three, and four youth kids were all there. Us adults sat in the shallower end talking while the little ones would swarm and splash at times. It was nice to just sit in the pool. It was only the second time I've been able to go this year but the first time without someone to have to keep an eye on. It was kinda nice.
About 45 minutes before I had to leave, I laid out to dry out. I figured I could get a little sun so my legs weren't so pasty before autumn hits and we're all back in jeans again. My sunblock had worn off on my shoulders so they got fried for the billionth time this summer. My legs did get sun but they also got blotchy. Good fun. Apparently I don't tan very well. Go figure. It's alright. I'm actually looking forward to the winter where all my summer color fades and I'm one color once again. Silly, I know. But I enjoy being pale. And one color.
So, I took off and took Courtney to work so the men could work on her car that evening. Home, shower, then off to the Pitts'. They fed us and us girls got to gab like we haven't since before they vacationed. Then we played with the apps on our phones. Don't mock us. :)
The men worked and worked on that car and decided it would have been over $1000 if she had taken it in to a shop. In the end it will only cost her about $150. Not too shabby. Thank you Bryan and Keith (and even Dave although he wasn't able to physically help because of a wasp sting to his hand). We didn't end up leaving until 9:30. I think we all were tired.
The men are finishing the car this morning, which meant that Courtney stayed again last night and Bryan took her to work this morning. But thankfully, the car should be finished soon and all will be right with the world. (Love you sis!)

Hopefully today will go well. A has already made one trip back to the crib for her binki and I can't decide on what to do with the day. The Park? The Pool? Stay Home? I don't know. Any ideas would be welcomed. I need to get us out more. Even in this blistering heat.

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