Wednesday, January 07, 2009

2008 Resolutions

Before I post my 2009 resolutions, here are my resolutions from 2008.. let's see if I stuck with any of them.

So, because we did the Makers Diet

and stuck with it we lost a lot of weight.
However over the holidays we gained a small amount back.
Just like 3 pounds each but it feels like 20!
So starting tomorrow I am going back to phase one for a week.
It's a rough phase and will make for a rough week
but I will do it.
I feel so much better on it
and I realize how much worse I feel eating all the food
that everyone else is eating.
1. Back on the Makers Diet and stick to it the entire year.
I didn't get back onto the Maker's Diet. I tried but with the pregnancy the food started to make my stomach turn so I ate whatever I could that Amelia would let me. So, rather than losing the 3 pounds I gained, oh boy did I gain. But it was for a good reason ;)

I feel like I keep saying "one more semester left to go!"
with three more after that.
But this is it.
2. Graduate college Spring of 2008.
I did it. I graduated. I am now the proud owner of a piece of paper that says I'm smart. An Associates in Arts.

Both Bryan and I have a really bad habit of procrastination
and yet I would love for my house to be completely clean and organized.
3. Get the house clean, organized and rid of anything we don't need, use or just can't let go of.
We did a little... Considering we moved, things did get somewhat organized and I did get rid of 4+ boxes of things giving them to Goodwill. I still have some more to do since this house is a little smaller but I'll get there... someday.

Something we keep saying is that we want to travel.
I would like for this year to be it.
4. Take a trip to Germany, Egypt, Rome, Alaska or New Zealand.
We did travel.. to either side of Iowa. Oh, and once to Chicago. See? We did...

I've been, or at least I feel I've been, putting off my art.
Everything seems to come first.
God, Bryan, Family and Friends should,
but my art is getting shoved in there.
5. Finish pieces I've been putting off and create pieces to sell for others.
Ok, so some pieces got finished, others didn't BUT whatever I did start this last year did get finished.

I really want to read and study the Bible intently.
Not just read and ponder on it.
But understand why it was written,
who for,
why it says what it says,
the deeper meanings within it.
Fully comprehending
(to the best of my human capability),
the Word that is given to us.
6. Dive into the Word.
I didn't do at all well at this as I would have hoped. But I did listen to many podcasts by Rob Bell which are alway humorous, chalk full of information and very interesting. If you have the chance to listen to some, I highly recommend it.

And last but certainly not least,
save our money.
Someday we want a house.
We want to build a house,
a home,
of our own.
Plus I'm so bad about deals,
bargains and the like.
I need to not nickel and dime.
7. Save money and no nickel and dimeing it.

We weren't able to save our money because of the many hospital bills that keep coming in because someone who was in the delivery room watched the levels bleep on the doohickey and would like $300 for it ;) BUT we did get our house. What you don't know is that #8 would have been to have a baby but I didn't want to get my hopes up about it just to be sad if it didn't happen. But wahat I didn't know is that while contemplating to put that on my very visible list, I was a few weeks along with our very loved bundle of joy.
I may not have done everything on my list as I would have liked but I am blessed. So very blessed. With a great God, amazing husband, sweet baby, beautiful family, and fantastic friends.

Stay tuned for resolutions for 2009

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