Thursday, October 02, 2008

Trip to the hospital

We just missed it so much we went back for a visit!
Ok, not so much.
Monday night/Tuesday morning, Amelia felt really warm. So I stripped her of her sleep blanket down to her onsie, fed her and went back to sleep. A couple of hours later I woke to her fussing for food and felt that she was still really warm. So I fed her then checked her temp. 101.7 according to our stupid slow thermometer. In to the hospital we went at five in the morning.
I figured they would think I was some over-protective mom, give us some Tylenol and send us home, but they said to bring her in if her temp was ever over 100.4. We ended up having a ton of doctors/nurses/residents take a look at Amelia and ask us the same ten questions over and over again. Finally a doctor wanted to run all the tests needed done on her. They drew blood, pricked her foot, stick an IV in her little hand, did a lumbar puncture and chest x-ray. It was awful. We had never heard her cry like she did. I think I cried about as much as she did.
We were moved to a room by 8:30. Bryan's mom came to help out, let me sleep, and so forth. Amelia had to have wires to monitor her heart, breathing and oxygen levels. By 5 my grandparents showed up and only 10 minutes after my mom and younger sister showed up as well. I ended up letting my grama hold her that night, but only her so Amelia wouldn't become sore from passing off. Most of the tests came back and they were negative but we had to wait til morning to hear about the blood cultures. They were testing for some of the more serious illnesses like menengitis.
They continued taking her temp and it went down to normal. We just needed it to stay that way. She sure did like the grape Tylenol, though. It was pretty cute. Her face would go from an "Oh, what in the world..." to a "...mmm... I think I could get used to this..."
The night was a little rough from lack of sleep and all the wires getting in the way of trying to feed her. Having to manuvre the stinkin' things around or risk the dang things beepin' annoyingly.
Wednesday morning the preliminary blood tests came back negative but we still had to wait for the final results plus they wanted to continue giving her antibiotics just to be sure. So this time grampa got to hold her and he said a blessing on her. It was sweet. They grandparents had to get going back home since they have livestock but my mom and sister stuck around. Sarah ended up staying with me last night to help with Amelia but I ended up letting her sleep instead.
So this morning all the tests came back and they were all negative, Praise the Lord, and her temp had gone down and stayed down. They don't mess around, they want to be sure with babies so young since they are really susceptible to such illnesses.
So about nine this morning we were finally discharged and are now home. It's very nice. And Amelia is doing very well.. in spite of the stinkin' cat waking her up only 30 minutes into her nap.. That did not make for a happy baby which in turn did not make for a happy mom. But nontheless it's good to be home.
Sarah is here for a night while my mom is in Dubuke for a work retreat. She'll be back tomorrow then they'll head home on Saturday. It's always nice to have family here.
Anyway, I just wanted to update. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. We can't tell you how much we appreciat(ed) it.

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