Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Welcome to the world, Amelia.

Amelia Sue
7 pounds exact
19 inches long
September 16 at 3:37 am

I'll update for you all but it will probably be the quicker version. We're still in the hospital and will be until Friday morning.
Here's the story:

Monday, after the doctor's appointment, I went home and contractions started becoming a little more frequent and more painful. By 20 til 5 they were 3 minutes apart for a half an hour. I called out to Bryan telling him it was time and so we left. We got to the Baby Center at about 5 and was having strong consistent contractions. After two hours they decided to admit us. Contractions were at an 8 out of 10 and I was beginning to cry. They moved us to our new room and they were now at a 10. I was sobbing. I asked for an epidural and my (very kind) regular doctor said to get me out of my misery although I was still at 1.5 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Got the epidural, which was amazing, at about 10 and the only thing that hurt about it was the tape coming off. Owie. Rested for an hour and a half, happily, checked me again and I was now at 7.5 cm dilated. Relief. He broke my water which was an extremely weird feeling. They waited until I was complete and then I started pushing. I prayed throughout pushing for our safety. I was pushing fine but Amelia wasn't moving too much. They could see her in the canal but she just wasn't progressing. The doc was getting worried because her heart rate kept dropping from 180 to 70. It fortunately kept going back up but the doc wasn't going to keep it up because he didn't want her becoming stressed. He said it might come down to a c-section. I pushed one last set and she just wouldn't budge. C-section. I was scared but remained calm. I would do whatever it took to keep our baby safe. I prayed it wouldn't come down to one but since it had I again prayed for our safety. I just wanted my baby safe. We went into surgery and I could feel him tugging at her. It didn't hurt, it was just weird. Bryan got to see her pop out and said she was bright eyed. They brought her to me and I got to see that beautiful little face. They gave me more drugs and I was out for the closures. After they were finished they woke me back up and got me ready for recovery. Bryan went and showed his parents and my mom (the brand new, proud grandparents) the pictures. Amelia stayed with me and we bonded. It was pretty amazing. The rest of the morning/day I was pretty delerious, in and out of consciousness and getting to feed ...and it was great. She is the most wonderful, beautiful creature I have ever seen.
Praise God for He is good.
Thank you all who have been praying for us. We are recovering and ridiculously happy.

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