Thursday, August 02, 2012

13/30 Things: 5 Weaknesses

{To know what I'm talking about and to see previous 30 Things posts, start here}

13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.

I'm just going to go ahead and put this out there.  I love chocolate.  There.  I said it.  Whew!  But sometimes I turn to chocolate in times of stress instead of praying.  I'll take my frustrations to Toblerone instead of God.  Chocolate and I just need to find a respectful middle ground.

I like to sleep.  I blame this on my hypothyroid because before that happened I didn't need as much sleep.  But now I feel like I need tons and I don't balance it well.  I'm a night owl so I want to stay up with my hubby after the girls go to bed.  That's also when I feel most productive for cleaning, art, and exercising.  It's like it takes all day for my body to wake up and want to do stuff.  Silly thyroid.

Making New Friends
I'm not really good at making new friends, or small talk with people I don't know in general.  It's hard. It's awkward.  It's uncomfortable.  I think this is in part because I'm afraid of the first impression that I'm going to make.  I'm terrified that people won't like me because it feels like people have to warm up to me anyway.  And until they do I'm kind of a question mark as to whether or not they want to get to know me.  Ugh.. but I keep trying because I like folks.  I just don't know if the folks like me.

Unsolicited Advice
Sometimes I have a habit of giving advice when someone doesn't ask for it.  Sometimes they're just venting and just need a listening ear.  But I want to help!  However, they don't always want the help, just the ear.  I'm working on it though.

My Sharp Tongue
I have always had a sharp tongue and a temper.  My gramma always taught me James 1:19 - Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.  For a man's anger does not bring out the righteous life that God desires.  Ouch.  So I had to learn to think before I spoke.  Not an easy task but I got better at it.  I'm still working on it but I'm miles from where I started.  I do still have a tendency to turn arguments around on someone else placing them at fault (Sorry Bryan) but I'm working on that too.

1 comment:

Anita - Soaring Eagle said...

Good ones! I so agree with you on chocolate! I can talk to anyone though as you well know. :) I am a morning person, which is a good thing since I am getting up at 4 am to get ready to go to work.