Friday, April 03, 2009

I know, I know.

It's been a while.
I'm a slacker.
But I've got a 6 and a half month old who requires an awful lot of attention and will cry at whatever means necessary to get that attention!
So, last Saturday I threw an adoption party for our dear friends, Mr. and Mrs. Keithy Weithy. If you didn't see my blog before, just scroll down a few posts and you will see that they got to adopt their third and (quite certain) final child. Very exciting. So, in lieu, of this wonderful event, I threw a party in their honor with the help of some very extrordinary and wonderful baking women. We had some wonderful food made, fantastic people to celebrate with and a very pretty guest of honor in her sweet little green dress. The party was fun, folks. Let me tell ya. ...I guess I just did.
What else... what else...
Nothing super exciting has really happened this week. I get to spend my days with my darling daughter. Watch her grow, learn, explore. I couldn't ask for a better job. And to get paid in slobbery kisses!!
I have switched to cloth diapers. I put it off for so long because I could never find the vinyl/plasticy covers that go over the cloth in her size at the time. First they were too big, now too small. So I went ahead and bought some size 12m just so I could get going on doing my part to help the environment. I am definitely going to look into getting something better. Nothing like hearing the crunching of plastic coming from your child.
Her teeth have come to a halt at where they stand. They're there. The tops of them anyway. Maybe they are just making their entrance very slowly. Yeah, that's probably it.
(strumming fingers on keyboard)
Tonight we all three went to Bryan's parents house. We had dinner and celebrated his brothers and wife's birthdays. We got to hang out with the whole family, which is a rareity anymore since Bruce is off in Chicago most of the days for school. Pleasant evening.
Tomorrow, Bryan and I are starting back up on the Maker's Diet. It was hard to do the first time, so be praying for us this time around. Since I have hypothyroid, this is the only way for me to lose weight. And since I still have some baby weight left on me, I felt it was about time. Plus, I swear my 65 y/o grandparents are in better shape than I am, so exercise routine, here I come.
For the first four weeks we'll be in phase I and II, and in those phases we can't have cow products, only goat (like milk and cheese) nor breads of any kind. This is to clean out your system to introduce the healthy, earthy foods, like sprouted grains and organic dairy. It's hard. But I want to be healthy and I want to teach my child(ren) good eating habits as well as exercising the body.

Anyway, that's all of an update for now, I suppose.

Just so you know, I haven't blogged in a while because our laptop is down and since my husband works from home I don't see much of the computer. It's all right, just longer gaps in my posting.
Have a good night!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Enjoy each moment with Amelia, like we talked about, it will go by really fast. Get each one of those slobbery kisses you can get!

Cloth diapers! Wow! Our kids had to use those because of being allergic to the disposable ones, plus they were way cheaper in the long run! You go Mom!

Praying for you and your family!