Thursday, December 01, 2005

Things I thoroughly dislike with a passion about drivers

I recently read in another blog the rantings about things that are hated and I thought it was a good idea to blow off steam. So since I about got out of my truck to scream at a few I thought I'd list the top 10 things I hate that people do when they are driving. (#3 happened tonight, it occured twice as I sat at a red light then green back to red and green again...)

My top 10 list

10. limit turn off
-I don't mind driving the speed limit but don't go 10 under.. even 5 under is annoying. If something is wrong for you to go slower it's fine but that's what hazard lights are for.

9. too little too ...early
-You're driving down the road and someone pulls out in front of you making you put on the brakes. Then they drive real slow when they could have waited two more seconds for you to pass and then drive as slow as they want.

8. sitting in blind spots
-i hate when people sit in others blind spots. They go fast enough only to sit where you can't see them then when you would like to get over you can't because someone is sitting there. Especially when they do it to semi's. They can't see you so if they run into you then I say ...ha. ha. ha.

7. can't talk and drive at the same time.
-faster and slower then all over the road. Can you not breathe and blink at the same time either?

6. two lane envy
-I hate when there are two lanes and one ends for some reason or another and rather than waiting in line like every other person they zoom as far as they can and expect someone to let them in. Wait your flippin turn.

5. "what's this button for?"
-does anyone know what cruise control is? and if you don't have it learn to level your foot so your not driving like an idiot all over the road. And this way you also don't have people passing you because your slow and then you pass them because you decide to drive again, then so on and so forth...

4. driving slower in the passing lane
-there is a reason it's called the "passing lane" and not the "drive as slow as you want this way no one can go around your lazy butt" lane.

3. intersections and red lights
-whether the light is green or turning red I hate it when people continuing going through an intersection when the lane is full of stopped cars and it's starting to back up into the intersection. Then nonchalantly sit there while the light is green for the opposite direction to go.

2. four way stops.
-people have forgotten how to 1. stop at a stop sign and 2. go when it's their turn. The yeild sign is for you not to fully stop but a stop sign means put on the brakes and come to a hault to look both ways before proceeding.

And the number one thing I hate:
1. blinkerphobia
-I absolutely hate it when people don't use their blinker. Because then you're wondering, "why the heck are you slowing down for no apparent- ...oh your turning... gee, I wish there was a way I could have known that you were going to turn- oh wait!! There is! It's called your flippin BLINKER!!!"


FantasticAlice said...

I love the "blinkerphobia." Soon to be added into the webster dictionary!

AMEN! Preach it sister!

UnHoly Diver said...

There's a 4 way stop just up therv street from me. I'm constantly waving people to go because they'll just sit there with their thumb up their ass if I don't. Actually, I've gotten to the point where I hate to drive period. I've become a white-knuckle driver in my advanced age..

Gift From Virgo said...

Halelujah -I think I spelled that wrong. Anyway, amen sister. How do these people get licenses anyway?

none said...

i think people should need to retake the test after so many years. It seems that people forget that driving is a privilege not a right.