Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!

This morning I woke up to find Amelia standing, yes standing, in her crib talking out to me in her good morning voice. Standing, folks! Yesterday she pulled herself into a standing position at the bottom of the stairwell. I just couldn't believe it. My daughter is getting so big so fast!
And today, she finally crawled on her knees! She has been doing an army crawl for a long while now. And she has gotten up on her knees only to come back down to her belly to crawl but today, today she crawled while being up on her knees. She still does an army crawl but she can crawl on her knees!
Ah, my baby girl. Who, I guess, isn't so much of a baby any more now is she?


Anonymous said...

She'll be running around the house chasing Pete before long!

Rachel said...

Awww! Standing! That is so great! :)

Emily said...

She is still a baby, as she will always be your baby, even when she's grown! I can't believe she's standing! Yikes!