Wednesday, August 15, 2007


So I got a job a Michael's.
I will be on the floor doing stock and such.
I go in today to sign the papers.
I'm only slightly excited because it's a job.
However, it's a job.
I think it's probably for the best though
for specific reasons and all.

Bryan leaves for California on Tuesday.
I start school that day as well.
Then I have a Friends Fiesta
with some gal pals.
Gal pals...
what a funny phrase.

My mom may come up the next day
and stay through Friday.
I miss her
and my grandparents
and my sisters.
Then I'll get to hang out with Bruce...
but that's not until next week.
A bunch of highs but a really big low.

I bought my books for school.
I'm really very excited about throwing clay.
I'm still sad that I won't get to take photography.
I don't feel like I have enough art classes
but there's not a whole heck of a lot I can do about that.

A dear sweet elderly lady,
has cancer in her knee.
Pray for her.

Bryan and I are still looking for a house to rent.
There's places all over for sale
but we don't think we're gonna live here for
more than two years.
We're too far from my side of the family.

We still can't find our camera.
I think we've given up.

The Bible is a really good read.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

way to get the job! at least you'll be around creative people (hopefully) or creative objects. and the discounts (there are discounts, right?) should be nice. aw, i miss your fam, too. tell moo moo hello for me. wish i could come up for your gal fiesta.