Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Everything is well.
I'm still getting over the last of my cold from what seems forever ago.
I just hope I'm not getting sick again.
That would suck.
School is going well.
I have a test on Thursday in Biology.
A possible quiz today in Algerbra... or friday -She's trying to be tricky.
But on a good note I'm getting lots of exercise from walking on this dang large campus.
So that's nice.
Bryan and I are trying to save money so we can pay off our loans and the credit card.
Because it's our gas card we're having a hard time getting it down.
That means limiting our driving especially down to play Capoeira.
It uses a quarter of a tank everytime we go to play.
It's crazy.
Target called and wants to interview me for the bakery dept.
I don't know if it'll work anyway because they may want me to work from 4am til noon.
That's just crazy.
I like my sleep and really I don't do well before 7:30ish but 8 is better.
A nap sounds good...


jordan said...

you're going to school? i didn't know that. whatcha studying?

none said...

duh silly... art of course.

raj said...

in my life biology class has never been anything but useless. why can't you spend a lab day swabbing the back of your throat and growing it in a petri dish when your sick? c'mon biology, pull your weight around here! save a doctor's visit.