Friday, August 04, 2006


So today I put in my two weeks as a nanny for Josiah. I am officially going back to school to be an Art Major. I'm really pumped but after I got home and looked at the picture of Josiah from the day I realized just how much I've grown attatched to the little guy. So all in all it truly is bitter sweet.

Dearest Josiah,
My little love. How I will miss you and your sloppy kisses. The way you cringe when you eat peas and how you smell when you poop your diaper. Oh the fun we have had over the past seven months. All your crazy grunts and the mischevious grin you give me when you know you're doing something you shouldn't. And how you've grown, from a tiny baby that was swaddled in my arms to a crazed crawler. I still love you bud. And I will always be your Aunt Seppy.

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