Thursday, September 22, 2011

Third Trimester: Comin' right up!

I am 27 weeks today!  Woot! I had a dr.'s appointment today and with it was my glucose test.  Fun stuff right there.  It just tasted like overly sweetened flat sprite.  Not terrible but nothing to do a dance over either.
When I was pregnant with A, I only had to wait an hour to do blood work but this time it was 2 hours!  I wanted to fall asleep in the waiting room.  I was tired from fasting and the sugary drink.  I just hope I pass it so I don't have to do the three hour one.
My doc checked baby out.  She's doing really well.  She's diagonal which doesn't surprise me with where she's kicking and hitting. Heartbeat sounded great and we're both right on track.  And! I've only gained 8 pounds with this pregnancy.  I'll take it :)
With the last days of the summer heat I was noticing some swelling in my hands so I took off my wedding ring and bought a simple band.  I miss my ring though so maybe with the cooler weather I'll be able to put it back on.

A is potty trained! Only one accident last Tuesday because she got to playing and didn't pay attention but other than that she goes in the potty like a champ! Even when we're at a store she'll let me know and we'll run to the bathroom.  She's even using the big potty on occasion instead of her training potty.  Such a big girl and I'm proud of her.

Tuesday and Wednesday were extremely stressful but I was able to get a massage before youth group Wednesday night.  I want to say it helped with the stress but it sure didn't.  Believe it or not, I felt less stressed after having to sit in the waiting room for two hours at the doc's this morning!  I think it was just being able to not have anyone need anything from me and the quiet time.

Poor A is coming off of a cold and Bryan has gained it.  I'm hoping I don't get whatever it is that they have.  Bryan has fishing this weekend with his dad and brother and I have an overnighter girls youth event.  I don't really have time to be sick.  The stuffy nose and getting kicked in the bladder is bad enough.  I think pregnant women should be immuned to getting sick just because we have so much other stuff to deal with.  Yes.  That's how I think it should be.

Anyway, off to bed.  I really need a good night's rest.  We'll see if it happens.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I think we should be immune to all of that stuff too. Bladder kicks are bad enough. Haha! I've noticed mine have gotten worse now too. I'm in the bathroom every hour I think!

I'm happy that everything is checking out well with you and baby and I'm praying that you won't have to do the 3 hour test.

I'm jealous! You've only gained 8 lbs!? I've gained 20! :O

I'll be praying you don't get sick! See you next weekend. :)