Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day

Today is Bryan and my 8th anniversary of becoming engaged. You can read about our engagement story here or watch a very awesome song that I posted last year here.
I'm very thankful for my hubby. He's a good man, a hard worker, a loving father, and a caring and thoughtful husband. I'm very blessed.
I love you Bryan!!

And yesterday V had her two month check up. That was hard. She absolutely hated her shots and it was so hard for me to have her go through that. It was painful. Her cry, oh my word, it was so sad.
She hasn't grown too much since she was born, she's now 10 lbs 5 oz (a little over 3lbs more than her birth weight) and 23 inches (3 inches longer).

Her milestones are:
-Lots of cooing
-Smiles, smiles, and more smiles
-Responds well to loud noises
-Makes eye contact with me when I talk to her
-Holds her head up like a champ
-Very active kicking her legs and wiggling

I love her baby girl. She is beyond the sweetests thing in this gloomy weather.


Kathy said...

I noticed how alert Violet is and how she is focusing when she looks at things :) she is such a sweet girl, it's fun watching her grow and change, I just wish it wouldn't happen so fast! love you!

Kathy said...

I noticed last night how much Violet is focusing on things with her bright eyes! It's been fun watching her grow and change but I wish it didn't happen so fast! love you!