Friday, July 07, 2006

A not so celebrated fourth

So three years running now Bryan and I have one way or another missed a fireworks show for the fourth of July. It's not on purpose but seems to be a standing tradition each year. This year we thought we were going to watch a show with the in-laws but supper came and left and so did ten o'clock with the display. We did, however, catch the tail end as we drove home ready for bed. What lazy slackers we are.

In other news: Capoeira is kicking my butt. Or at least my feet. With old blisters broken open and new ones forming it seems the skin on my feet is keeping up. Having discovered athletic tape has worked it's magical charm, keeping my feet from becoming all the more painful as well as developing new blisters and sores. Seeing the more experienced feet has made me feel nervous about wrecking their prettiness.
My elbows have been wreaking havoc as well. For some reason or another they became very painful whenever I went to do a handstand or an au. I toughed it out on Monday but when Tuesday came I almost cried from attempting a handstand that looked nothing like one when I didn't even get my feet off of the ground.
Come Wednesday it was "hands-off" for me. Anything that required putting weight on my elbows made me want to cry out. I felt like such a wuss so I did everything else that I could so I wouldn't look like a quitter. The last thing I want is to look like a baby.
So rest and a little TLC should get me back out there like a champ. -Hopefully.

Oh, and Bryan had a good birthday. He says thanks to you, Alice, for wishing him one.


Gift From Virgo said...

Can I ask a stupid question? What is Capoeira?

none said...

Oh, it's not a stupid question. Go to this site and it will explain the whole thing to you.
Not a lot of people know what it is but it is growing in popularity.