Sunday, November 13, 2005

The Youth of America

Recently, I had the privilege of reading an arrogant comment made about Mother Teresa. To start the whole thing a comment about Mother Teresa was made by Sharon Osborne and posted to share. This started insults toward the Blogger and in turn the ignorant remark on Mother Teresa:

" Even so - with that said - you've all missed the real point, and that is kind of what was said - why put down
someone's Grandma who only helped people?"

She then continues to say:
"WHichever, or whoever you are doesn't matter either - what we do and say about other people shows our true colors. You don't have to be a grown up or even a mom to understand this. Now if only more of us did stuff like she did that helped people - what a world this would be."

This, ladies and gentlemen, is our future America.

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