Monday, November 24, 2008

A lazy sort of day

Well, not really but kind of. I felt really tired this morning so at 7 when Amelia wok up I pulled her into bed with me and fell back asleep. At 8 I asked Bryan to watch her and to wake me up at 9. At 8:40 Bryan comes into the room with Amelia saying she was crying, and in a baby tone, told me about her alligator tears and hunger cries. I fed her and then we fell back to sleep. I kept getting woke up by little fingers and "talking" from a tiny face inches from mine. Finally, from the persistant fingers, I woke up and she fell back asleep.. I got up, it was 11 after all, got her up, changed, dressed and talked to my little girl as she smiled and "talked" back.
I took her upstairs announcing my "gift of joy" to Bryan so I could go shower. I got my hair stuff figured out this time and got my hair to perform. Amelia was snuggly today so Bryan had to put her in the snugli (convenient name). She cuddled up and fell asleep.
Soon enough we were on our way to the doctor's office for an appointment. She was due for her first set of immunization shots. As always, she was fawned over. Mostly because Grandma works there and everyone knows us, not to mention they were the ones who did the pregnancy test, blood work, check-ups, etc. We got her in, weighed (12 #, 15 oz), measured (23.5 inches long) and checked out. Everything looks good. Back in came grandma who fawned over Amelia some more but conveniently left when the shots were there. She didn't want her face associated with the shots.. but it was ok if we were...
The first was oral, not too bad. We got most of it down. Nurse even let me do it so she would take it better. She had two shots coming because the third wasn't in.
Two nurses.
Two shots.
Two little legs.
In 3, 2, 1...

I watched her face and for a split second she was okay. Then it hit her- a stunned look and then the cry. Her little face squinched up, got all red, a huge cry and tears. I saw it for two seconds before my face was instantly next to hers, kissing her cheeks and telling her it was all right. The crying didn't last very long, 30 seconds maybe. And much to my surprise, I didn't cry. Truthfully it was nothing compared to our last trip to the hospital where they pricked and poked her. Then I cried. A lot.
Anyway, I comforted her for a bit before grandma came back in. The goose. We talked for a bit before leaving. Bryan picked up his contacts then I ran into the pharmacy to get some meds.
This evening Bryan went to a Tweet-up. I teased him calling it his "nerd gathering group." He had fun and brought me cheese wontons. Anyone know the place he went?
But, he's home now so I'm going to spend some time with him.

Have a great night and a great Tuesday!

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