Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Another day on the couch

I seriously had one heck of a do-nothing day. Amelia didn't sleep the greatest after four so I was still tired when I finally got out of bed. We lounged on the couch and she slept for a few hours. After she woke up, ate, and we hung out for a bit she fell asleep again. This time I thought she would cat nap and be awake and ready to eat again in fifteen minutes. So, I was thinking that after she woke back up and ate I would put her in her swing so I could run out to the store for a bit. But no, she slept for a couple more hours. This resulted in me not getting anything done. Doesn't surprise me, it seems to be my days any more.
However, after she woke up, I took her upstairs to dad. I was feeling restless so I whipped out my Tai Chi video and did a 40 minute workout. My legs trembled by the end of it but it felt so good. As soon as I had finished up, down came Bryan with Amelia because she had a huge blow out.
We got her cleaned up, Bryan went back to work for an hour and when he came down I went to the store. I just needed to get out even if it was to stupid Hy-Vee. At the entry way I ran into Keith. We chatted for a few minutes then out he went and onto my shopping I went. Got my stuff and realized that I forgot my yeast AFTER I was in line and getting checked out.
For dinner we had frozen pizza and then cookies with ice cream for dessert. Totally blew my exercise but I figured I should get my goodies in now because once the New Year hits we are going to get healthy. And that's that.
So now I'm ready for tomorrow. I have things to do and the hopes to get it done.

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