Thursday, November 27, 2008

"Here's to a lousy Christmas! And a crappy New Year!"

have twenty minutes to blog before I have to go and pack. So here I go...

Today was a long day.
Amelia set the precedent this morning with her crying.. nay, screaming.
All day it continued.
Sat down to eat, got my food, Amelia cried, I fed her, sat back down, Amelia screamed, sat down to rock her to sleep, finally got back to the table, my meal was cold.
In between talking with the family, playing Wii and reading magazines, Amelia cried, screamed, ate and sorta not really slept. Not to mention more screaming. (I have never heard my sweet girl scream like she did today... It broke my heart.)
We planned on staying til eight but decided to leave at 6 because Amelia wouldn't stop screaming and was SO tired.
Finally left extremely quickly at 7.
Amelia fell asleep in the car 30 seconds after we left. 2 hours later still asleep. Sweet baby.
Got home, threw in laundry, cleaned the living room, dining room and kitchen, balanced the ledger and paid some bills.
Time to pack and 1 minutes left to spare.


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