Monday, December 01, 2008

I failed...

...and I'm ok with it.
I know, I didn't blog the last three days of November. It just wasn't going to happen being down in the middle of no-where and all. So here is my weekend:

It was nice because we had no need to rush around getting out of the house. Instead we took our time, packed, ate, got the house picked up and still managed to leave at 10:30. Once we got out we needed to stop at the Pitts' to drop off the Wii remotes, then we stopped to get gas but it was so packed that people were cutting in front of us to get to the pumps. Bryan got really frustrated so I told him to just go ahead and leave and we'd find another gas station that was less "flooded" by the "Black Friday" shoppers. Which we did, and off we were by 10 til 11.
We finally made it to the grandparent by 4:15. My sisters and a boyfriend were already there. We just got to hang around and out with everyone. Had dinner and played some yahtzee.
Amelia was having a good day so that was an added bonus coming from the day before.

our Thanksgiving day. Al of the family came down and we had a very good dinner. It was so good.. mmm. My mouth drools at the thought of those yams.
Later on we played Apples to Apples which was also fun but tiring.

We almost made it through church but Amelia realized that we were trying to pay attention so she got fussy. After church we had lunch. Then Bryan, Amelia and I got our Christmas pictures done by mom.
After that, Kimmy and I sat down and picked out some really cool colors for Amelia's room and the upstairs. I am so excited, I'll have to post pictures from before and after. She is so good at decorating rooms I thought it only smart to go to her. Thanks Kimmy!
Then we went out to the nursing home where my great grandma is and took a FIVE generation picture. It's sad, though, because her mind is going and she doesn't really know who we are. She used to but the last few years have really taken a toll on her brain.
Then to Alco where it was my last attempt to spend some time with my mom before she had to leave but she wandered around the store and I kept losing her.
My mom, both sisters and a boyfriend had to take off for home before the roads got icy. Although I wanted my family to stay it was a lot quieter at the house.
We watched a couple of movies and had some really yummy Stir Fry that my grampa made.. ooh it was so good.

We got ready, taking our time, chatting with the family and still managed to get out by 10:45. Not too shabby. We stopped for McyDee's before getting on the road. I fell asleep pretty early on and slept for 2 hours. I was SO tired from the weekend.
However, it was good to see the family and spend time with them but I sure am glad to be home.

Stulke family, we are praying for you guys and have been. We hope you are well.

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