Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Sunday kind of day

today was surprisingly productive. First, church was good. I've noticed that I have become the lady who bore Amelia. People would come up during greeting time, ask how Amelia is doing, stand in awe of her, smile at me as they walked away.. say wha?? ...geesh.
After church I ran into Hy-vee to get some groceries. After getting home, eating lunch and feeding Amelia, I realized that I forgot the very thing I ran in for.. more bra pads. Yup.
However, Bryan got the itch to tear down and pack together all of the cardboard boxes that had been sitting on our porch. We had tons from unpacking from our move, then my mom decided to throw them on the porch.. Out of sight, out of mind. Yes, two months later we got it taken care of.
Then we put up our Christmas tree. Yes, already. Having a newborn is tough around the holidays. So we put it up so after Thanksgiving all we have to do is decorate it. Otherwise, I figured, by the time it got up and decorated it would be Christmas and the joy of the tree would have been futile.
We also got the rest of the chores (except for folding laundry because Bryan avoids that at all possibly odds) and played some Guitar Hero. Gotta love resurrecting a past love... er... addiction. Followed by a movie. A decent way to spend a Sunday.

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