Monday, July 16, 2012

2/30 Things: Fears

{To know what I'm talking about and see previous posts, start here}

2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.

I am scared terrified of moths. Even just thinking about this is giving me the heebie jeebies.
When I was in college in Norfolk, we would get these h u g e moths in our dorm room and they'd always fly at our heads. I was freaked that they'd get stuck in my hair or something. I always had to try to catch them under a cup and then I'd hairspray them to death. Super freaky.
I don't mind butterflies and I think that's because they don't fly quickly and straight at my head. They also don't have have huge freaky furry bodies. Yuck.

I panic at the thought of losing one of my children.
*says prayer now*
I had to watch my grandparents lose my uncle when he was only 17. They hurt for so many years. Praise the Lord he knew Christ and we know we'll see him again. That gives us hope. But still. I now understand how my heart is now my children. I am momma bear when it comes to them. I would fight and even die to keep them safe and protected.
After I had A, my hormones were running wild. I would cry over the idea of not being able to keep her safe every moment of every day. So this went on for about a week and a half for about an hour every night about 5. Well, Bryan was listening to David Crowder's Remedy album and this one song came on. It gave me a peace and hope that it was all going to be okay. And from then on I didn't cry every night at 5 on the dot. God is in control. Praise Him for that because otherwise I might still be crying each night in fear!!

I fear my hubby will grown tired of me and leave. I watched my father leave my momma and all the reprocutions it had on our family. It was severly painful. For everyone. I have a very good hubby, who's sweet and good to me. He knows this fear and he fights against it. I'm very blessed to have him in my life. Doesn't mean that fear is easily going away but I'm fighting against it too. It's amazing how one person's choice can affect so many people for years to come.


  1. 1. I agree. Moths are icky.

    2. I TOTALLY understand that fear. I still have it every day. I cannot imagine losing my child. (also saying a prayer now!) It is probably my greatest fear.

    3. I'm pretty sure you're safe there. You 2 are adorable together and I don't think Bryan could ever tire of you!

  2. Well moths are annoying that is for sure. I totally understand about your children! I agree with Rachel Bryan and you are stuck like glue!!! Who would leave you anyway, you are one SPECIAL LADY!!!
