Sunday, July 15, 2012

1/30 Things: 20 Random Tidbits

(To know what I'm talking about go here)

1. List 20 random facts about yourself.
  1. I've recently discovered that my pinkies are unusually short.  This doesn't mean much except when I wear gloves.  I always thought it was normal for the pinkies to be a bit long on the gloves but it's not! I'm just a weirdo with weird pinkies.
  2. A while ago now, my bff and I decided to start running.  But the thing is that I've dreamt about running.  Literally.  I would literally have dreams that I'd be running.  Around the block in different neighborhoods mostly but I'd be running! And well!  So I guess you could say this is a dream come true.. ha!
  3. (This next one may be TMI, just warning ya) When I go to the bathroom I have a habit of looking at my nails.  I don't know why.  Maybe to see if I need to trim them.  Hangnails.  I don't know, but I do it every time.
  4. I love Jesus.  And I will tell you that I love Jesus if you ask.  And although I can see why people who don't have Jesus see some of the things we do as funny, I'll still do them.  Like when I feel like God is calling me to do something.  They don't understand as we can't expect them to understand but we can love them anyway!  Isn't that what we're called to do??
  5. I've only ever had two bff's (for the long run) in my life.  Jeannie and Emily.  I have had short term best friends (and I still love them dearly!) like my college peeps Jonathan, Daniel, Raj, Brittney, and Michael.
  6. I'm really quick with math.  My paternal g-pa taught me how to do math quickly in my head that my smarty-pants hubby (love you!!) has to question it because I do it too quick. 
  7. I can't sing a cappella because I always change keys!
  8. I'm becoming a hippie and I'm loving it!  My hubby is a little weirded out (sometimes) but he loves me anyway because I still shower.  
  9. Bryan and I met three times before it finally stuck.  The third time I thought he was weird because he wouldn't stop talking to me!!  But I'm glad he didn't.  
  10. Bryan and I also only dated for three months before we knew we wanted to get married but we did a promise ring for another 5 months so we didn't freak our families out.  I was only 19 when he gave me my promise ring for my birthday!
  11. I love quoting movies!  Bryan, my sister Courtney, and I will do this all the time and then say "Movie??" The other person/people get bonus points if they name the movie.  Ridicule if they don't and they should have!
  12. Having babies has chilled me out.  I've become way more relaxed, go with the flow, chilled kind of person since having kids.  And I sure do love me my babies!
  13. I loathe loose hair lying about.  Especially wet loose hair. It grosses me out.  It can even whig me out, give me the heebie jeebies.  So gross.  *shudder*
  14. Bryan and I went to Ecuador last year but if feels like 10.  I loved those kids and I would love to visit them again.  (V got to go with us in utero!)
  15. I'm a worry-wart but not as much as I used to be.  I used to have a form of OCD with a hint of germaphobia.  I couldn't leave my drink out of my sight, no one could touch or even breathe on my food or silverware, I was afraid of contracting some disease if I touched clothes or items that I didn't know who they belonged to like those from goodwill.
  16. I have a tattoo on my hip.  Two hearts.  I want another one.  I want to have a sparrow.  I've wanted one before everyone had them.  When I was pregnant with A I would constantly worry (see #15) about the baby inside of me.  Since I couldn't see her I worried about how she was doing, how she was developing, if she was really a she or if she was a he and the ultrasound just missed it.  So I focused on the verses in Matthew 6:25-27  “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"  So, I want to get a sparrow to remind me that God is always watching out for me, for my children.  ..She turned out perfect, btw ;)
  17. I went to college initially to study sign language for Deaf Missions.  After struggling with the (hearing) people I worked with as well as my self and my own attitude, I gave it up, deciding it's not what I loved.  I did two years of it but didn't graduate.  I did eventually returned to school for arts.  I took classes in photography, pottery, painting, and art history.  I L-O-V-E-D it.  And I graduated at 5 months pregnant with A.  (She got to walk with me in utero!)
  18. I love shoes.  Love them.  Probably because they always fit no matter how I'm feeling that day!
  19. Our house in now on the market and I am now realizing that I really do like my house.  It has it's flaws but it's our first home and where both of my babies have been growing up thus far.  It'll be sad to sell it.
  20. I never had to really use deodorant until after I had V.  Now I have to be SURE I use it!  Crazy body hormone madness. The stinkiness! haha

1 comment:

  1. Interesting, it was fun to get to know you "a little bit more". By the way, I look at my nails too. :)
