Thursday, July 26, 2012

9/30 Things: 10 Influential People

{To know what I'm talking about and to see previous posts, start here}

9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.

1. Bryan
He has taught me to be more involved in the world and what goes on around us. To care (somewhat) about politics and who's doing what to take care of the people. To be informed. He's also taught me to do research on anything I don't fully understand so that I'm fully informed of what it is that I want to know. (He researches everything and anything all the time!!) He's also taught me to give people the benefit of the doubt. He's very good (sometimes too good) about doing that whereas I am not. But I try!

2. A and V
As these girls have entered my life I have become more relaxed and laid back. I've learned to slow down and appreciate life rather than worry about how clean my house is. Not to say that I DON'T worry about it, just not as much.

3. Cathy {my momma}
She has taught me to kind, gracious, and forgiving to everyone no matter how much or how often they have hurt me.

4. Mel {my grampa}
He showed me what it was like to have a father as mine was absent. He showed me what it was like to see a man love a woman unconditionally. I based what I wanted in a husband on this man.

5. Jan {my gramma}
She showed me Jesus. Not to say the rest of my family didn't, because they sure did. But she taught me songs and Bible verses. She made sure we prayed before each meal and loved on others who didn't have much or anything at all.

6. Jon {my uncle}
He was also my inspiration of what a dad would have been like as well as what I wanted in a husband.

7. Kim {my aunt}
She's always kind of been like a big sister to me. I've always looked up to her. Growing up I loved the way she dressed how she did her hair. I loved how people always loved her so I would try to be like her. Of course now I have come into my own sense of style and attitude but she has definitly helped me become who I am.

8. Jeannie (Conrad) Hefner
She showed me to not care what others think as long as you are living as Christ would have you live. That it's okay to be goofy and crazy and light-hearted because WHO CARES!!? hehe

9. Jenny Kim and Jordan Milliken
These girls both taught me that it's okay to be super smart. They taught me to question the things that are being taught to me and not just accept everything as it is. They taught me to really think about things for what they are and to understand them further. That there is always something to learn.

10. Michael Murphy
This guy taught me what dating actually is and how it's suppose to go. He got it through to me of how it was all suppose to work and because of him I met my now husband and we dated and courted correctly. I'll be sure to teach my own children what he taught me about dating.

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