Sunday, July 22, 2012

8/30 Things: What are 5 passions you have?

{To know what I'm talking about and to see previous posts, start here}

8. What are 5 passions you have?

1. Loving and serving others as Christ would.
Giving to the homeless or those without, helping people who are down on their luck, loving on people who need the encouragement or a just a boost. I love to give especially when I see a need.

2. Being a good wife and momma.
I'm sure others feel this way but I just don't feel like I make the cut. And I'm terrified that I'll screw up my kids! But I'm trying and I keep trying because I love, love, love my family.

3. Art: Photography, drawing, painting, pottery.
Art brings me such joy. When I get the chance to sit down and make a piece of art, I feel accomplished, proud, and like God is working through me to create something beautiful.

4. Becoming organic and natural.
I'm loving becoming a hippy. My hair is starting to feel so much cleaner and free. I no longer wash my face with facewash but with honey and baking soda and it's clearer and less red. I feel healthier when I don't eat grains and sweets. And I'm sure I'll find more to make natural.

5. Organizing and simplifying.
I love an organized house. And since we've put our house on the market and my Aunt, Gramma and Mom came and packed up most of my house for showing it's so much simpler and easier to keep clean! I can't imagine going back to having all that stuff so a lot of it may go once we do finally move. Who knows! But I'm loving this.

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