Sunday, November 29, 2009

We made it.

We're home.
We're tired.
And sick.
All three of us.
And we shared it.
It was fun.
Everyone made it.
Plus some.
Had a good time.
Glad to be home.
Going to bed.

Good night.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my father-in-law!

You're an amazing dad.
I'm am so blessed to have you in my life.
Thank you for being the wonderful person that you are
and raising my husband to be just like you.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Want to know more about me? No? Too bad. :)

1. What is your favorite thing to snack on while your blogging?
I don't snack while blogging.. but I sure do want some chocolate.

2. What is one thing you wouldn't want to live without?
My non-spiritual, unemotional answer is chapstick.

3. Beach, Mountains, or Farm? Where would you live if you had a choice?
A farm near a beach, where you can see mountains..? I love country life.

4. What's your least favorite chore/household duty?
cleaning the bathroom. loose hair... *shivers*

5. Who do people say you remind them of?
I have one of those faces and I get asked if I'm someone else or that they know me when they don't.

6. Prefer parties and socializing or staying home with the fam?
I like to socialize but not at parties. I prefer home all the time :)

7. What's your all time favorite movie?
Practical Magic. I've seen it umpteen times.

8. Do you sleep in your make-up or remove it like a good little girl every night?
I'm terrible.. I usually sleep in it when I wear it. But at least it's the Bare Minerals. Does that count?

9. Do you have a hidden talent or a deep desire to learn something that you've never had a chance to learn? What is it?
The drums! But my head hurts just thinking about different rhythms with different limbs at the same time.. And then those people who can sing at the same time!! My word.

10. What's one strange thing you're really good at?
Baking. Or drawing. Sleeping?

11. What first attracted you to your spouse?
His kindness

12. What is something you love to smell?
Coffee. My grandparents house. Fresh air.

13. Tell something about you that you know irritates people.
It's the things that annoys me that annoys others! Like when I can hear them chewing!

14. When you have extra money, what's the first thing you think to do with it?
Bills :(

15. Are you a silent laugher or a loud laugher? What makes you laugh the hardest?
Loud laugher!! Playing games with my family. We just know how to have way too good of a time.

16. Where is your favorite place to shop?
Target. Shoes, tops, dishes. Anything you need!

17. What's one thing you'd do more often if you had more time?
Read, scrap, art.

18. Are you a big spender or frugal?
Both. I don't know if I can explain that one.

19. Who is your favorite character of all time?
Um... I don't know if I have an answer to this one.

20. Would you want to be famous?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

My 26 Thankfuls: The Revised Edition

  1. My God, my Savior, who rescued me from the depths of hell.
  2. My family who has loved me unconditionally and with more love any person could hope for or expect.
  3. Bryan. Who cherishes me when I'm unworthy, loves me when I'm unlovable, tells me I'm beautiful when I feel ugly, forgives me when I need it, my strength when I'm weak. He is my other half, my best friend, my buddy and wonderful father to our daughter.
  4. My baby girl. She is my pride and joy, my mini me (even the "ugly" parts), my laughter of the day, and my heart.
  5. My mom. She's indescribable. Her courage, faith, determination, love, kindness. She is my pillar.
  6. My grandparents. They are whom my faith has grown from. My image of a God blessed marriage. My subconscious, even when I don't want to hear it.
  7. My sisters. They stick with me not just because they have to, but because they so choose. One who is so similar in so many ways and the other who could almost be my polar opposite, but no matter, I love them both and they are forever in my heart.
  8. My parental in-laws. I am truly blessed to be able to call these two family. They are so loving and kind and generous. I love them both very dearly.
  9. My siblings-in-law. Bryan's two brothers are just that to me. Brothers. I could always pick on them, talk with them, poke at them, watch weirdo movies with them, listen to crazy music with them. They're awesome. I also appreciate my bro-in-law's wife. She's a neat-o kind of gal.
  10. My aunt Kimmy. She is like my older sister, the one I look up to, want to imitate. I value her opinion, love her family humor, dig her style. She's one cool cat.
  11. My uncle Jon. Kimmy's hubby, I couldn't be happier to have him as my uncle. He's "rolling on the floor" kind of funny, goofy, smart, kind, pretty awesome.
  12. My cousins M&M. They are the two coolest kids. Super smart. Way loving. Cute, cute, cute.
  13. My step-dad. We haven't always gotten along but he's been there. Through the bad and the good. He's come a long way and I can appreciate that in him. He's a pretty good guy.
  14. Our friends. They are some of the most wonderful friends that we've had in a very long time. We treasure them, their love, their grace, their opinion, their kindness, their generosity. We love you guys like family.
  15. Our church. We haven't been in a more wonderful church. The goodness has been overflowing lately and I couldn't be more grateful for that.
  16. Norma. I love that 89 year young lady.
  17. Age. The older I get the more I have learned. I'm thankful for that wisdom.
  18. The wisdom of those who have gone before me and life lessons that can be passed down. Especially if one is willing to learn before making the mistake.
  19. My mom's Bible study. I love this group of women, the study that we're doing, the chance to let our children run around and play, the discussions that take place, the tears that are able to flow, the prayers and the hugs.
  20. Chocolate. I know this is drastic from number 17 but it's true. I love chocolate and am very thankful for it. Especially when I've had a bad day.
  21. The Bible. It's word in the comfort it brings, as well as the promise, the hope, and the love.
  22. Bryan's work. He loves it and they love him. It is good. And I get to be a stay at home mom!! Yay for me :)
  23. Forgiveness. Forgiveness of myself, for myself and for others. It's the most relieving thing.
  24. My home. It's cute. It's warm. It holds my things.
  25. Books. I love reading. There's an escape into another world... even if only for a little while before coming back down to reality.
  26. Exercise. It makes you feel good! ..if you are willing to get up and do it.
Hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving. I know we sure did and it's even still going on!! One down and one more to go. Bring on the stuffing and can shaped cranberry sauce!!

My 26 Thankfuls

  1. My God, my Savior, who rescued me from the depths of hell.
  2. My family who has loved me unconditionally and with more love any person could hope for or expect.
  3. Bryan. Who cherishes me when I'm unworthy, loves me when I'm unlovable, tells me I'm beautiful when I feel ugly, forgives me when I need it, my strength when I'm weak. He is my other half, my best friend, my buddy and wonderful father to our daughter.
  4. My baby girl. She is my pride and joy, my mini me (even the "ugly" parts), my laughter of the day, and my heart.
  5. My mom. She's indescribable. Her courage, faith, determination, love, kindness. She is my pillar.
  6. My grandparents. They are whom my faith has grown from. My image of a God blessed marriage. My subconscious, even when I don't want to hear it.
  7. My sisters. They stick with me not just because they have to, but because they so choose. One who is so similar in so many ways and the other who could almost be my polar opposite, but no matter, I love them both and they are forever in my heart.
  8. My aunt Kimmy. She is like my older sister, the one I look up to, want to imitate. I value her opinion, love her family humor, dig her style. She's one cool cat.
  9. My uncle Jon. Kimmy's hubby, I couldn't be happier to have him as my uncle. He's "rolling on the floor" kind of funny, goofy, smart, kind, pretty awesome.
  10. My cousins M&M. They are the two coolest kids. Super smart. Way loving. Cute, cute, cute.
  11. My step-dad. We haven't always gotten along but he's been there. Through the bad and the good. He's come a long way and I can appreciate that in him. He's a pretty good guy.
  12. Our friends. They are some of the most wonderful friends that we've had in a very long time. We treasure them, their love, their grace, their opinion, their kindness, their generosity. We love you guys like family.
  13. Our church. We haven't been in a more wonderful church. The goodness has been overflowing lately and I couldn't be more grateful for that.
  14. Norma. I love that 89 year young lady.
  15. Age. The older I get the more I have learned. I'm thankful for that wisdom.
  16. The wisdom of those who have gone before me and life lessons that can be passed down. Especially if one is willing to learn before making the mistake.
  17. My mom's Bible study. I love this group of women, the study that we're doing, the chance to let our children run around and play, the discussions that take place, the tears that are able to flow, the prayers and the hugs.
  18. Chocolate. I know this is drastic from number 17 but it's true. I love chocolate and am very thankful for it. Especially when I've had a bad day.
  19. The Bible. It's word in the comfort it brings, as well as the promise, the hope, and the love.
  20. Bryan's work. He loves it and they love him. It is good.
  21. Forgiveness. Forgiveness of myself, for myself and for others. It's the most relieving thing.
  22. My home. It's cute. It's warm. It holds my things.
  23. Books. I love reading. There's an escape into another world... even if only for a little while before coming back down to reality.
  24. A clean home.
  25. Vehicles, because without them I wouldn't get to see my family very often.
  26. Exercise. It makes you feel good! ..if you are willing to get up and do it.
Hope you are having an awesome and thankful Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

You know she's sick if she doesn't fight the diaper change

I know, I know. I didn't post yesterday. But Bryan was working nearly the entire day and I didn't get a chance to come up here and blog for the brief moment that he was downstairs with me.

I wanted to blog about FlyLady. I was introduced last Thursday at MBS (Mom Bible Study). She is fantastic! It's this website that starts you off with baby steps in getting your house clean. Day 1 is to Shine Your Sink.
So I started by doing all the dishes, putting the strainer away (because that attracted clutter and did nothing for me to help clean), cleaned the sink and dried it. You're suppose to dry it each time. Well, let me tell you, it has been clean since Friday. I can't let myself let it get messy when it looks so nice.
So each day I read the new "Post-it Note" and add it to my list of things to do for the day. And it works. It really works.

Pray for my baby, she's not feeling well. She is running a fever and was more than normal snuggly today. She even fell asleep tonight as I was changing her diaper. I didn't even get to feed her before I put her down. So I just picked her up and took her to her room to rock her for a few minutes before putting her in her crib for the night.
Bryan just ran out to get a new thermometer since ours takes 9 hrs to get a reading. It's terrible. Hopefully she's better before Turkey day. It would stink to have to miss everything with both sides of the family.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'm so stuffed I could lay an egg! huh?

What a day! But, once again, where did my weekend go?
I was hoping to put our tree up today but it certainly did not happen. Courtney and I did manage to hit Kohl's but that was about it. We wandered around but I just couldn't commit myself to buying anything. I don't need anything in my home, trinkets and such, and I couldn't find anything that caught my eye for gifts.
But there was a Thanksgiving dinner at church tonight hosted by the youth group. It was pretty tasty. Then afterwards, Emily, Courtney, Bryan and I snuck out to play some Wii for a bit. It was good fun but now we're home. Stuffed. Stuffed like a turkey at Thanksgiving.
So I'm gonna go plop my thighs onto the couch like a potato and watch some TV. Night all!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

We Wiied ourselves silly because it's fon-to-due!

I certainly did not feel like blogging yesterday. I didn't really have the time to anyhow. Bryan was working then we were asked to watch the kids of our Pitts friends. It was an easy babysit because the kids were all good.
When we finally got home Bryan and I wanted to watch Monk and Project Runway. There are only two more Monks as the series finale! Yes 2 more and then they're done! We're kind of sad because we really like that show. And PR, goodness! Bryan and I liked Carol Hannah's best but agreed that it wasn't a runway collection and did see Irena's as best comparatively. But it was all black and would have been so much better in color. I do see how she won it though. I did think she had a way better runway collection than the other two. And as for Althea, I was so over her by the first half of the season finale. So I was not heartbroken that she lost. Blah.


Today was somewhat productive. Bryan and I got to get some things done that we kept putting off (i.e. getting information on my ring for the insurance guys so they could update it). We also went to Kohl's' to find him some sweatpants but they were all ridiculously priced. Plus I forgot my Kohl's cash and I was not going to get more stuff without using that! $10 off! That's awesomeness right there.
After we got groceries and some Chinese food from Hy-Vee, we came home ate and then left again. Bryan headed for church where he helped the youth set up for the Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow after church service and A and I headed back to the Pitts' for an evening of Fondue. Because, as Emily likes to say, "It's fon to due!" And, yes, I'm still her friend even though she says things like that. (Love ya Emily!)
We had a good time of dipping, but not double dipping, nor skinny dipping, but over dipping. We sweeted ourselves out. But it was tasty! We hung around until the kids went to bed and while some youth were in her kitchen making dessert, we headed downstairs for some Wii. Wiisort that is. And it was fun.
A was a trooper and let me stay out past her bedtime. I only had a bit of a problem trying to put her in her car seat but other than that she was great. And so funny the entire time we were there! I love when she laughs and runs away. She gets such a kick out of getting chased, even if we only pretend to chase her. She was having such a good time that she nearly ran into the fridge, the cabinet door, and did manage to twirl and fall on her booty. She's such a sweet kid. Love her. Love her!!
So, anyway, I'm gonna go read as I wait for Bryan to return home. Since the youth is having a lock-in at the church tonight I didn't really expect him to take his inner child away from game play and horsing around. But I sure hope he returns soon!
Hope you all have a great night!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Am I complaining? Yes, I think so.

This morning we all, dog included, slept in til nearly 10.
And Bible study started at 10.
So, I rushed up with a wonderful tired headache, ate a quick bowl of cereal, brushed my teeth, tried to get dressed one handed while holding A, tried putting A down, A cried to be held, I let her cry so I could get dressed quickly and without doing some sort of a dance.
Bible study was all right. I didn't get to do my lesson that I nicely put off until the last minute expecting to do it this morning before and then not getting to. I still plan on doing the lesson on my own time this week, I just regret not having it done to be on the "same page" as the other ladies. My bad.
The rest of the day was pretty well in the pooper. A screamed at me as I tried to put her in the car seat to bring her home and then later on during bath time. She's been sassing me a lot lately but I think there are lessons to be learned in it.

Lesson 1: Don't hold angry daughter while she hits you and has fork in hand.
Lesson 2: Let her cry it out because trying to get one's own way will not work. Be the mom and act like a grown up.
Lesson 3: She'll come to you when she's ready. If she's ready.
Lesson 4: The terrible 2's come early. Two early. <-- Haha, get it? No? Moving on...
Lesson 5: It won't help the situation if you lose your cool. Keep calm.
Lesson 6: Remind her and yourself that you love her.
Lesson 7: Screaming it out is good in the long run: they wear themselves out for bed.

Well, that's all I have for today. See you next time on Life Lessons for the New Mom.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

18 sentences for the 18th

  1. Got up at 6:30am
  2. Was too tired and fell asleep at 8:30
  3. A decided to sleep til 9:30 the day I wake up at 6:30
  4. Got very little done
  5. Went out to lunch with my brother in-law's wife
  6. It was a fun four hours
  7. We ate at an eclectic/cottage/early 1990's barn turned restaurant
  8. In the loft that was being converted from Autumn to Winter themed
  9. A slept the entire time I was gone
  10. Made them lunch at 3 o'clock
  11. Did the dishes
  12. Played with my baby
  13. Then made her made at me by reclaiming my yarn that she swiped
  14. Hung out with my baby sis
  15. Talked with Emily via text
  16. Hung out with Bryan
  17. Ate cookies and ice cream and
  18. I'm now going to bed.

There are two 6 o'clocks??

I realize that I did not blog yesterday. I was far too busy watching The Biggest Loser while sharing a bag of Reese's mini peanut butter cups. However, by the end of it, I felt like A Big Loser.
I am inspired by these people and truly I wish I could get on the exercise band wagon. But we don't have the money for any kind of membership except for the free kind. And we all know that includes our rainy, cold outdoors. I did a lot of walking this summer, but I can't bring myself to make A brave the yuck with me. No matter how much I need it.
So, what do I do, you ask? Well, let's see -- I put my daughter in the cart and then run all over the store. Yes, run. It amuses her.

Speaking of...

So, last night, my sister came along for some Christmas shopping that I needed to get done. It was a blessing to have her or I would have stopped after 1 and a half stores and pulled my hair out on the way home. But with her marvelous help of entertaining/running after A, I hit FOUR stores! Yes four. And let me tell you about them.

Store number 1 was our dear Michael's Craft Store. I needed to pick up DIY Christmas ornaments and paper. And while I did that, A tried climbing on company ladders, declaring random things "Hers", and running away. About the time we were ready to go, so was she. But we still wanted to see our friend JoAnna, who was indeed working. So I put my daughter in the cart and ran, yes RAN, around the store like a [willing] fool so as to make my daughter very happy. Which it did.
Then we ran, yes ran, to store number 2. Which is where I got our other sister her lovely items for the upcoming holiday event. But I will not disclose either the present nor the holiday. But in this store, my daughter continued her overtake of all things merchandise claiming them in the name of A. And then she found the toy table and she was happy as a clam. That is until we were ready to go. I think cars are on her Christmas list this year.
Off we went to store number 3. Gander Mt. Courtney, my sister, not the one who I bought the present for but the one who was helping to corral my daughter, did not appreciate this store since she is a lover of all animals living. But, I needed to go in for some gift getting.
As we made our way through the check-out line, A found this weird and gross deer-butt-puller-outer-something-or-another and thought she needed three of them.
Store number 4 was the very-handy-now-that-I've-found-it Toys R Us. Here I managed to take 30 minutes to pick out 5 toys for 5 kids. I never thought it would be that difficult. But the older you get the more you forget what it's like to be a 5 year old.
After I was finally finished choosing, I made my way to the car table where my daughter was stationed. And of course she chose a $200 set. She has my taste. We followed her around for a while. She led us to the baby doll isle where she Oohed and Aahed. But, please, no getting her any baby doll that poops, pees, talks, cooes, walks, crawls, sings, moves or blinks. Thank you in advance.
Then she found Raggedy Andy and she was in love. She carried him around and patted him. For a while she had two but saw the reality in twins and left one in an opposite isle. However, later she dropped and left Raggedy Andy for some dish soap. Then left the dish soap for some Mentos bottles that because maracas. My daughter is fickle.
We ended the trip with me paying and her signing for the card. But we had a really good time. She was such a good girl all day. Happy as a lark, giggling, laughing, squealing, playing. I was a very happy mama. Hoping for another day that good.

Anyway, here is post 1. for today since I failed at getting the post in yesterday. But, really, by the time I remembered, it was 11:45 and I was already curled up in bed. So, please, be kind.

Hope you all have a great day!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Fourteen months today

My sweet baby girl,
Today you are fourteen months old. You have the biggest blue eyes with long eyelashes to match. You have eight teeth in front. Four on top and four on bottom. You also have a grand total of four molars. Two on top and two on bottom with one being on each side.
You have super curly hair which you've most recently covered in waterproof silicone grease. It took us 10 washes, four with Dawn dish soap, to get it fully out.
You have the sweetest laugh and the cutest quirks to go along with it. I love when you shrug your shoulders for no reason but just because. And when you bite down on your paci and force it up into your nose giving you the weirdest look.
You're still nursing but slowly weaning yourself off. I'm not sure I'm quite ready but I will as you do. You still manage to get your foot up to my face as you eat, though. I usually get a toe smashed into my cheek. But you have the cutest little toes.
I love when you "run" you hike your arms up into a funny pose and squeal as you make your "get away." It can be hard not to laugh when you find it hilarious that you are doing something you know you're not suppose to.
Recently you have learned to give kisses. Sorta. You will plant your cheek into our kisses but you do manage to give fantastic hugs.
It's one of the most amazing things to have you squeal with delight whenever we enter the room. Even if we have just woken up, or come to get you for a nap, or have escaped ourselves for a little "me" time.
You calm down every time I sing you His Eye is on the Sparrow. It's the same song I sang you in the womb. We have learned that screaming Twinkle Twinkle will get you to laugh and squeal along if ever you are throwing a hissy fit while we're trying to get something accomplished.
You have learned how to turn the TV on and off, shake your booty from side to side to dance, clap your hands, sign "please", get us to hold you, give you the cat or anything else you want.
You love our cat and dog and lay on them whenever possible. But when they're not around you settle for a stuffed bear or your newly found cat.
You love books, for us to read them to you, or to read them to yourself or to the dog if he's willing to listen.
You talk all the time using words that are not in our vocabulary but we'd listen to you talk all day if we could.
You love destroying things, walking, running away or around the house for no particular reason, to dance and sing, and to give things to people. You also love to color. Especially on our walls and couch cushions.
You are amazed by instruments but right now the guitar is your favorite. So you tend to cherish your ukulele.
I can already tell you are compassionate. You love to hug, especially babies. You tend to show concern if someone is sad or upset.
I could probably go on and on and on. I could add to this list until it is a million miles long. But I think you're amazing. All the little things you do.
I love you my darling girl.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

We just had a weekend? Are you sure?

I don't know quite where it went. But it did come and go very quickly. I'm a little sad, but that's ok. I did have a good weekend and that's what makes it ok.

Church was good today. I appreciate our Interim pastor and what he has to say. Both Bryan and I agree that we really like that he has been around. Not in a dirty weird kind of way but in a traveled kind of way. Him and his family were missionaries in Brazil for some 30 years and he has countless stories from that experience. And they are always fitting. We also really like that he doesn't point the finger at anyone but himself. It makes the sermon hit home all the more.
Today he talked about marriage. A word to the soon to be married, the married and the divorced. Then he added a word to the Church. It gave new light on things we've all heard before.
In a good way. I really like how he says and puts things. But also I really like his character and what he has to offer.
After church we thanked the wonderful lady who opened up her home to the women for last weekends retreat. We gave her a card and basket to show just how kind, thoughtful and loving she was to do that for us. It was such a wonderful weekend and so nice to have it in someones home. It made it more comfortable. You felt at home very quickly.

When we got home A and I ended up taking a three hour nap. I think it was needed.

And then this evening we went over to see Bryan's parents. I sure do love those two. But on our way there we had to stop at a sharp turn where a grain truck had tipped. The person driving must have taken the corner to quickly and turned the truck on it's side. The truck was over both lanes so the trail of cars had to pass in the side ditch with instruction of the police. At least no one was hurt. But we did see all the grain spilled on the road.
We finally got to his parents and they had dinner waiting for us. We got to sit and talk for two hours. It was so nice to catch up and chat. Amelia got to run around being goofy and the grandparents got to love on her.
On our way back we did pass the still tipped grain truck. It looked like they were trying to salvage the spilt grain. Can't blame them. Luckily, from the look of what spilled, it didn't look like the bed was full. So hopefully they won't be out too much money.

I'm off to spend the rest of my wonderful weekend with my hubby before the hectic work week returns. I hope you all had as wonderful weekend as I did.

Catch ya on the flip-side!

...too soon?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

What comes to mind...

Today was great!
I got to spend it with my Bryan..
For the whole day.
We did nothing all morning but lounge and be together.
Then in the afternoon we went on a date-
First to Chili's
3 for $20 -Way better than Applebee's limited selection and 2 for $20.
Got to sit and talk.
Something we haven't really been able to do in a week or so.
Then we went to a movie.
The Fourth Kind

It was interesting.
Still not sure what I think about it.
Don't know if I will be sure.
I enjoyed hanging out and relaxing with him and our babe.
We did clean a bit but it felt good to do it.
We also worked on getting the grease out of A's hair
and in turn got the Dawn dish soap in her eye.
She was so upset that I held her naked wet body straight from the tub
and she was equally tired that she fell immediately asleep on my shoulder.
We finagled her diaper on backwards so she wouldn't pee on me.
She ended up waking and played until 30 minutes past her bed time.
Bryan and I have continued in our "hanging out" time.
Got to caught up on some TV shows
Monk and Lie To Me
Now it's off to bed to catch up on our devotions.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Today my daughter decided to put plumbers grease in her hair.

I didn't get to blog yesterday which kind of made me sad, but it was for good reason. I promise. And if it helps, nothing really went on for the most part. I did get to go to my Mom's Bible Study which is always a blessing. The kids got to play, whine, argue and share cheerios. Us mom's got to share, encourage, love on and pray for each other. I feel so blessed to have these women come together every Thursday.
I am also really enjoying the Bible Study we're in. I think I could go through this one over and over, and still learn something new about life and myself every time. This week was about Mud or Stars.

Two women look out the same prison bars
One sees mud, the other stars

That's good. That's really good. So, which one am I going to see in my day to day situations? Bryan's been working really hard for a while now. Yesterday I didn't get to see him but in the morning to wish him a good day and at night when I went to bed. He continued working through until this evening with only a two hour nap. That's rough. So mud or stars?
I'm very thankful that he has a job he loves, that he really enjoys the people he works with, that he appreciates and respects his boss, and that I get to stay home with our baby every day.
Those are stars.

I'm far from my side of the family and I get to see them about once a month. But, I also have a really, really wonderful family by marriage that is really close by.

Today. Oh yes, today.
(Allow me to sigh with a smile on my face)

Three words:
Plumber's Waterproof Grease, that is.
I don't know where she got it from or how she got into it, but she did. And she lathered it into the right side of her hair really well. I didn't even notice until she came and shared some grease with me on my pajama pant. It was all over her face, on her clothes.
However, I chuckle now.
So.. I put her directly in the bath. Washed her hair three times all without success. Waited for help a few hours later. Washed her hair again in the kitchen sink this time using First: cornstarch -helped. Second: more cornstarch -helped a little more. Third: baking soda plus shampoo -helped some more. Fourth: more baking soda plus shampoo -helped about the same. Fifth: (you guessed it) even more baking soda plus shampoo.
They all helped, but I don't think you understand just how much grease she has in her hair! It did add to her curls, though.
I really enjoy being her mama. She makes me giggle at the end of the day.

On another note, I got a few Christmas presents bought! And the beauty of A being the age that she's in is that I didn't have to worry about her seeing her present because she forgot all about it because I hid it in the basket. Joy! Next year, I will have to plan my trips accordingly but for now- Woop, Woop!!

So, that concludes my day. I am going to head to bed excitedly because, even though Bryan's already asleep on the couch, and I will most certainly have to drag him to the bedroom, I get to sleep next to him tonight!

Most definitely Stars.

It's Thursday. No really.

So, I didn't get to post yesterday. I know you will all forgive me because you are a loving bunch. And just to show how sorry I am I will post two for today.

Here is a very tasty and delightful dish that we like to call Indian Corn. Don't ask me why it's called this, it just is. Enjoy.

  • 1 lb. hamburger
  • 1 jar of salsa
  • 1 can of corn
  • tortilla chips
  • cheese
  • sour cream
1. Fry up the hamburger.
2. Add in the salsa and corn.
3. Heat 'til bubbly.
4. Place in bowl.
5. Add cheese and sour cream as desired.
6. Dip chip.
7. Eat.
8. Enjoy.

That's it. I hope you all like this Fattening Friday. Doesn't really work, but go with it. :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Me and my fat lip

Tonight I got to see Emily for the first time in a few weeks!! She's been sick so I've been staying clear for as much as needed. The only sad part was that since it's Blog Post month, we're already caught up on each other's lives with nothing new to talk about.
She did inspire me to get my butt in gear with Christmas shopping. I just need to do it and get it done. Period. No Black Friday or "Oh no! It's Christmas Eve and we still have to go shopping!" for this gal. Uh-huh. Not happening. It would just bring on premature gray.
Tomorrow is our Mom's Bible Study and I still have yet to read the chapter. However, I'm excited to read it because a) Not only is it a good study, and b) From what I hear it's sounds like a good 2nd chapter.
So, I'm off. I need to read that as well as do devotions with my hubby. Plus I'm tired and I really have nothing new to say.
Oh except for my fat lip. Did I forget to mention that. Yeah, it's a beaut. A thought it would be a nice ending to my day. Not that it was a bad day, mind you, just a good ending to it. So yeah, big, fat, purple, and red. At one time bled and now is the size of a marble.
Good fun.
True story.
Y'all have a great night!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Too tired to blog so I'll just say this:

Just finished watching Land of the Lost with Will Ferrel. So dumb. So, so dumb. So very dumb.

That's all.
Have a good night.

Monday, November 09, 2009

"Happy trails to you. Until we meet again."

I didn't sleep well last night. I think it was from the four hour nap I took yesterday afternoon. I went to bed around 11, tried falling asleep around 11:30, and didn't actually fall into a sound sleep until somewhere around 2. I tried to make up for the lack of sleep by sleeping in, which almost worked if it wasn't for our dog whining for an hour because he was bored of being in his kennel. Soon, he'll wish he was bored in his kennel in the room that he shares with A when I kick him out to the garage for the winter.
I kid, I kid.


However, I'm doing pretty well. I'll just be ready for bed when it comes. I'm still trying to adjust to the Fall Back. Even if my body thinks it was really Spring Forward and has me awake way later than normal. Maybe I'm just secretly wishing a bunch of women around my dining room table with the game Last Word in play.

Today we attended the funeral of Bryan's HS friend. Once I had seen his picture, I realized I had met him once or twice. The stories that were told were great. So funny, such wonderful memories. They made me laugh aloud even though I didn't get to witness them first hand. I guess he was a riot. And the stories proved it.
There was a huge bouquet of balloons in the foyer that read, "Happy Trails," "We'll miss you," "Happy Retirement," "See You Later." And goofy ones picturing Cookie Monster and Spongebob. Even one in the shape of a flamingo. I guess he was just that goofy kind of guy.
Some of his friends even sported flip-flops and toenail polish. Guy friends, mind you.
The coolest thing, I thought, was that, although his family was grieved by the loss of this incredible person, there was hardly any tears, no remorse. Just wonderful stories, laughable moments, sharing happy and precious memories. They even talked about how all he wanted was for everyone else to know Christ as he knew Him.
I think that's beautiful.
It is sad that such a person was lost at such a young age, but God works through everything. Praise Him for that.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

A new week and I'm ready for the weekend.

I woke up so tired from this weekend. Even though it was a good weekend, I feel I need a day to recoup. It was hard trying to get back into the groove of things. Like I was thrown back into the mix from being gone where I was no one's wife or mom. I didn't have to listen for crying or try to find something that was missing. I didn't have to worry about dinner, or nap time, or what to wear, or dirty diapers. I had adult conversation with amazing women.
I am happy to be home. It was nice to have that break, and I'll look forward to it again, but I will gladly search for keys, listen to my husband snore, play pick-up after my daughter as she throws clean clothes out the basket. Any time.

Church was good today. The music was good. The sermon was good. The people were good. It was good. I was blessed to see the ladies from yesterday, to reach out and hug them, knowing we had a new bond.
I even got to take a nap. A four hour nap. And A took it with me. So nice.

Tomorrow we are attending the funeral of one of Bryan's childhood friends. I don't know what to expect. It's being held at our old church and the church's old building. There will be people we haven't seen in some time. But I'm not worried about that. I'm there for Bryan. For whatever he needs. I don't think he knows what's coming or what to expect either. So prayers for him and for the friend's family are appreciated.

I hope you all are well tonight. I hope you get the rest you need. I hope tomorrow is a good day for you.
Have a good night.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Krohse Cove (part ii)

This morning I woke up ready and raring to get to breakfast. I arrived soon after 8 and enjoyed some time with some ladies before breakfast was ready. Around 9 we made some very fancy and technical "omelet's in a bag." So yummy, with a side of gargantuan cinnamon rolls, any breakfast would be complete. Yum.
After breakfast we dove back into our weekend devotion. Soon after we had free time and all decided to go for a nice 2 mile walk in our Indian summer on a local trail. By the time we got back I was ready for air conditioning. But I was happy to settle for ice water.
Lunch was so delicious with homemade bread for sandwiches, fresh fruit, more cinnamon rolls and wonderful company.
After another chapter in our devotion and some free time involving Apples to Apples we had dinner. So gooood.
To conclude our time together we discussed how to keep our women's group going, what we could offer as an outreach, what we could do to grow ourselves and anything and everything else.
It was such a good weekend. I'm looking forward to the next get together in a month. Although it won't be more than a few hours, I'm excited to meet with this incredible bunch of women. They have so much to teach and offer, so much wisdom, thoughts, advice. Friendship. I am blessed and so happy that I went.

We missed you there, by the way.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Krohse Cove

Today was the first day of our Women's Retreat. It's like a women's getaway while going back home to sleep. Which I prefer anyway, because, oh how I love my bed.
We met at 5 o'clock, chatted while we waited for others to arrive and while dinner was cooking. Slowly, others trickled in. Come dinner there was roughly 10 of us. As we ate our white chili, corn muffins, homemade applesauce, and other little goodies, we chatted, laughed, discussed and caught up.
After dinner we got into the devotion for the weekend as more ladies trickled in. One of the wisest ladies I know led us in discussion, diving into the Word, prayer and bonding. After some time in prayer we relaxed into some free time.
Although nearly half the women left for the evening to rest for the next day, some chatted, others Wiied, but two other women and myself hot tubbed. And, even after we got out at nearly 10:30 and were ready to head home for the evening, we stayed as the game Last Word was whipped out. We laughed, were ridiculous, overly tired and laughed some more until midnight. We headed out the door ready for rest and a new day at Krohse Cove.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Today was good.

On Thursdays we have a Mom's Bible Study. It is this incredible bunch of ladies who I am blessed to call my friends. We get together and pour out our hearts, pray, encourage, lift up, advise, listen. Whatever we can for each other.
Today was our first day in discussion on a new book that seems to reach out to each of us. It's amazing how God works. He put this book on one of our Mom's hearts and she led us to it. I think I can honestly say that we each took something away from it. The way the author writes, it would be kind of hard to not take something from it. It's entitled, Calm My Anxious Heart: A Women`s Guide to Finding Contentment by Linda Dillow. We've only gone through the first chapter and I already have a lot to think about, consider, and change in my own life.
I am enjoying having God shine the light on the things I need to change and trusting Him to help me to go through with it.
I am a huge worrier.
I allow myself to be full of anxiety and impatience.
I have a hard time letting go and trusting Him in certain areas.
A lot of the time, I already know it. Holding on to it keeps me in my comfort zone. Doesn't make it right, and, so, this is me, stepping out.

With a little help, of course.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

It has been a day.

Such a day in fact that I am just going to bed.
However, I will leave you with the recipe for something tasty.

Stuffed French Toast
  • 1 (1 pound) loaf French bread
  • 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/4 cup Irish cream liqueur*
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/3 cup orange marmalade
  1. Slice the French bread on a slant, giving each side of the slice a nice surface area. Slice the brick of cream cheese into 1/2 inch thick slices. Make a slit in each slice of French bread through the crust to form a pocket. Place a slice of cream cheese in each pocket; set aside.
  2. In a small bowl, beat together eggs, Irish cream liqueur, cinnamon and nutmeg.
  3. Melt butter in a griddle or frying pan over medium-low heat. Briefly dip the bread slices in the egg mixture and place on the griddle. Brown on both sides and serve warm with a dollop of orange marmalade on top.
So yummy I give it 5 stars.

*You can replace the liqueur with any flavored liquid non-dairy coffee creamer.

Tomorrow will be a better day.
Til then...

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

still in numbers

I almost hit a deer tonight. That was an enjoyable moment.
If I had been just 2 seconds earlier, I would have.
I was so stunned that I didn't even utter an expression for 30 seconds after it happened.


I've been working on reading the Bible the entire way through. I've read the New Testament before but not the Old in its entirety, so I'm trying.
I made it through Leviticus, which, I have to say, is so boring. But I didn't want to miss anything so I finished it. Now I'm reading Numbers. Let's just say that in the "boring" category, it's taking a close second.
However, good is coming out of it. I'll find areas in this book where I have to stop and think. It's more on the rules and counting the tribes and the duties of the tribes, but I'll see things where I have to pause and wonder, "Dang. God was harsh.", or "What kind of a crappy rule is that?" But once I stop and think on it, it begins to make sense. Especially when I think of everything that goes into that "crazy wacked out" happening. There are covenants to consider, and purposely defiling what God had asked of those people. Then, what I thought was harsh, began to make sense. And it wasn't God being harsh, it was the people being human and making clear decisions to reject God.
So, although this book does drag out, it is really neat having a better understanding into things.
Also, I like being able to really discuss things that happened, people, rules, why things were, everything, knowing what I'm talking about instead of having to recall with an "Oh..yeah" and having to be reminded of what went on.
Bryan had mentioned someone thinking it would be cool to meet Moses, and although I do agree that it would be, he was a whiner. A big one. For everything. But, he was loved by God. So cool. I'm glad I'm not the only big baby and still loved by God.

Monday, November 02, 2009

It's always hard when you have "down" days.

I am having a blue kind of day. There's enough going on. I would put down on "paper" what it all is, but sometimes it's in my head and no one else sees what I'm seeing. have taught me to say: it is well, it is well with my soul.

I just need to stop having a "pity party."

...count your blessings, name them one by one...

I'm praying for friends who just lost someone very dear to them today. And I'm praying for my friends who are still grieving as it's closing in on an anniversary. To them all I say:
Grieve. There is healing in tears.

Matthew 11:28
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Sunday, November 01, 2009

It's National Blog Posting month!!

And I'm going to sure try my best!

So let's see:

Yesterday afternoon I:
1. had lunch with Linda
a. the food was tasty
b. the company was delightful
c. and I was stuffed.

2. Then I went home and made chocolate chip cookies.
a. yum.

Last night my hubby and I:
1. took our 13.5 month old out for Halloween
a. with our friends
b. got lots of candy
c. ate lots of candy
d. was cold
e. but had a lot of fun

Today all three of us:
1. Slept an extra hour

2. enjoyed church

3. went to T@rget
a. wandered for 2 hours
b. bought an area rug for our living room
c. chased our daughter around for the whole 2 hours
d. bought a birthday present for a very beautiful 9 year old!

So, in conclusion to a very quick weekend, I want to write about different things each day. Maybe I'll recap,
maybe I'll post one of my thoughts from reading the Bible, the current author I'm reading or the Bible study group I'm blessed to be a part of.
Maybe I will share a picture or a new favorite recipe.
OR maybe I'll do all of the above!

I hope you are blessed this November with fast approaching holidays.
Have a great night!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I don't even know where to begin... I'll just begin at the easiest. Well, maybe not the easiest but the most lived every day.

Amelia :)

She's so big. And there's so much. It drives me crazy that I haven't been able to record anything for over a month. It's hard not having a computer at my fingertips. But I will do my best to recap.
It took about two weeks after Amelia's birthday to be able to walk well on her own. Once she figured out the basics, there was no stopping her. Now she's getting faster. She's learning to walk fast on her tip toes, she squeals as she's on the run, and she walks just to walk, from room to room. It's so cute.
She has 8 teeth that are in. The four front and bottom, and now she's working on three molars. I can't even imagine how bad it hurts. I should have seen it coming when she had a drippy nose with nothing else to declare a cold was on it's way.
She signs "please" like a pro for anything she would like to have. Even when I don't know what it is that she wants. Now I'm trying to add new signs to help her communicate what it is that she wants.
Her hair is super curly and eyes are still blue and lashes to Timbuktu. She's ticklish, and has the sweetest laugh, loves water and animals.

On my birthday, a really good friend of mine reconnected with me. Since then, we've been chatting and I even got to go visit her two weekends ago. It was like old times, like not a day, or too many years, had passed.
While visiting her, I got to see my old home and school. The school looked exactly the same but the house looked, well, better than when we lived there. A guy was sitting on the porch so I had to ask him to get a picture. That was a little weird but, hey, I wanted the picture.

Also, my friend talked to me about her diet where she counts calories. I had never really thought about it and didn't really think it could or would work for me. But I found an app for the iPhone and have been on it for a week and 2 days. I incorporated The Maker's Diet with counting calories and voila! I have already lost 3.8 pounds. Not too shabby... or flabby ;)

Anyway, hopefully it won't be so long before I can get on here again. I hope you all have a good night!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy Birthday to one of my favorites!

Happy Birthday, dear friend! I hope we helped make it a good one!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

365 days later...

Monday, September 15th, 2008, after the doctor's appointment, I went home and contractions started becoming a little more frequent and more painful. By 20 til 5 they were 3 minutes apart for a half an hour. I called out to Bryan telling him it was time and he rushed downstairs immediately, grabbed the suitcase and we were off headed to the hospital.
He kept wanting to speed the entire way there but I reminded him that the 5 minute drive would go a lot faster if we didn't get pulled over or into a car accident. So he slowed. I kept getting a giggle in my throat because I couldn't believe it was happening. That I was truly in labor.
We got to the Baby Center at about 5 and the contractions were growing stronger. They put us in a room and had me walk around to make labor stronger. I kept having to stop in the hallway with my head on Bryan's chest, making my way through a contraction and being reminded to breathe through it. After two hours they decided to admit us.
We were moved to a birthing room and got settled in. By now the contractions were at an 8 out of 10 and I was beginning to cry a little. Soon it was at a 10, my contractions were off the scale and I was sobbing. I asked for an epidural and my (very kind) regular doctor said to get me out of my misery although I was still at 1.5 cm dilated and 80% effaced.
A half an hour later I received the epidural, which was amazing, at about 10pm and the only thing that hurt about it was the tape coming off. Owie.
I was able to rest for an hour and a half and when they checked me again and I was at 7.5 cm dilated. Relief. He broke my water which was an extremely weird feeling. I was like I was peeing a thick liquid and couldn't stop or start it.
They waited until I was complete and then I started pushing. I prayed throughout pushing for our safety. I was pushing fine but Amelia wasn't moving too much. They could see her in the canal but she just wasn't progressing. The doc was getting worried because her heart rate kept dropping from 180 to 70. It fortunately kept going back up but my doctor wasn't going to keep it up because he didn't want her becoming stressed. He said it might come down to a c-section. I pushed one last set and she just wouldn't budge. C-section.
I was scared but remained calm. I would do whatever it took to keep our baby safe. I prayed it wouldn't come down to one but since it had I again prayed for our safety. I just wanted my baby safe.
We went into surgery and I was getting prepped. They spread my arms out like a cross and put a monitor on my forehead. I remember my doctor touching the scaple underneath my belly and it hurt a bit. So they upped the epidural. Then he started. And soon I could feel him tugging at her. It didn't hurt, it was just weird. Bryan got to see her pop out and said she was bright eyed. They brought her to me and I got to see that beautiful little face. They gave me more drugs and I was out for the closures.
After they were finished they woke me back up and got me ready for recovery. Bryan went and showed his parents and my mom (the brand new, proud grandparents) the pictures. Amelia stayed with me and we bonded. It was pretty amazing. The rest of the morning/day I was pretty delerious, in and out of consciousness and getting to feed ...and it was great. She is the most wonderful, beautiful creature I have ever seen.
And it still remains so.
She babbles, laughs, walks, crawls, cries, screams, throws tempertantrums, gives hugs, is tall, is funny, charming, sweet as pie, is trouble, eats people food, (tries to) eat dog food, is amazing. I am more in love with her today than yesterday and I am all the more excited for the future.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this beautiful miracle you have placed in our lives. I am forever grateful.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

A Quarter of a Century Old

Today is my birthday and I am now 25.
Sometimes I don't feel very old, nor mature. Sometimes I still think I'm 17. However, I know I'm not because of all the experience I've had, have lived through, and have shoved upon me.

I was blessed to talk to one of the best friends of my entire life tonight. A dear, dear friend that goes way back with me. Talking to her made me miss being a preteen, sitting in her pink room, talking about boys, our parents and what it will be like to grow up. Some days I miss those days. Some days I miss those days a lot.
I find it amazing how we wish away our childhood just to reach a certain age when really our childhood is the shortest and most fleeting. We complain about having to go to school when that is really our only worry. That and chores. But we were free to play, to explore, to do nothing and feel like we were doing everything. To stay the night at our friends and not have to worry about who was watching the baby or if I paid the bill that's due on Monday.
I remember being 13, 15, 16 and always reaching for the next birthday. I wanted to have my own car, my own home, to be married and have babies. And, trust me, I am beyond blessed to have all of those, but the years, the years keep going faster and faster.
I'm 25. I feel like I just skipped 23 and 24.
And the quickness of the years keep reminding me with their threatening page turning on the Calenders.
My daughter's first birthday is just 11 days away. Eleven days.
She's standing and squatting, crawling and coasting, babbling and laughing. It's so crazy how fast they grow.
I tried really hard to hold on to time during the first 6 months, but these last six just slipped through my hands. I tried not to push time by wishing for the next milestone but sometimes it was hard not to. When she wasn't mobile but would become frustrated because she couldn't reach something. When she could crawl but cried cause she could not stand. Now she can stands but only coasts, and I am not wishing for the walking just quite yet. I know it will come too fast and she'll be the destructor of all the household things that I once loved.

I am so very grateful to be 25. I have an incredible, fantastic husband, a beautiful and charming daughter, a loving and irreplaceable family, amazing and the sweetest friends. I am blessed to not want for anything, a roof over my head and place to call home, a car that works, food in my belly, and most importantly a God who loves me.

I am blessed.

I was asked tonight if there is something that I would like to do before I turn 26. Well, here is a beginning of a list for before I turn 30.

1. (maybe, I'm pretty sure) have more babies.
2. ride and own my own motorcycle.
3. take a really nice vacation. Out of the midwest.
4. be debt free.
5. teach, make, and sell pottery.

That's a good start. Maybe I'll add on as I think of them.

Thank you all for this wonderful birthday.
It's been the best so far.
Here's to another 25 (x2 -maybe 3).

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Amelia turned 11 months on Sunday. I can't believe that it's almost been a year. So, to update you all on the recent, she is now clicking her tongue! It's too cute. She's also standing on her own. Even if it's for 30 seconds.
She's getting so big. She has such a fun and bright, beautiful personality. I lover her more each day. She's so funny and happy.
I'm planning her birthday party which is quite a feat. It's crazy. Next year I vote for Chuck E. Cheese.

Let's see... what else...

We're watching my mom's dog. Dog-sitting, so to speak. She was driving my mom a bit crazy so we offered to take her for a month. So far, so good. The only complaint I have is that she's sleeping in Amelia's room with Pete and will yip a bit when we put her to bed. We have to spray her. Thank you vinegar.

Anyway, not much else is going on. I hate to blog when I don't have much to say, but when I do, I don't have access to a computer. Maybe next time I'll have a really exciting blog.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


This past weekend, Bryan, Amelia and I went on a vacation with his parents, his brother and his wife, and met up with his other brother that's going to school in Chicago.
Here's a run-down of what went on...

  • Took off from Iowa at 9 in the morning.
  • Stopped at Ghetto-Stop. World famous for being.. well.. ghetto.
  • Got to Chicago at 2.
  • Were honked at by many taxis because people were clogging up the drop-off at the hotel.
  • Sat around waiting for the other two of our three rooms for two hours.
  • Stayed on the top floor (15).
  • The Picasso Floor.
  • Left to go get some grub at Bennigan's.
  • Went to the Museum of Art (across the street).
  • Saw some really cool things (ie., Monet, Degas, Seurat, Polluck, and so forth)
  • Got some DQ.
  • Early to bed for a busy Friday.
  • Saw some naked people in their bathrooms across the street in their H!lton room where they thought they were invisible because they were located 20 yards from us and behind a slightly fogged piece of glass.
  • Got to the bus stop at 9:05.
  • Missed the first bus at 9:10 because we didn't know we had to jump into the street to flag them down.
  • Got on the next bus at 9:20.
  • Spent the day at Museum of Science and Industry.
  • Saw some pretty nifty things.
  • Had cafeteria food (not so nifty.. or cheap).
  • Made it to the second floor this time.
  • Went to D'Gorno's for dinner.
  • It was gooood.
  • Amelia fell asleep on our way home and slept from 7pm-8am the next morning (with feedings intermixed in there).
  • I fell asleep at 9pm.
  • That was gooood too.
  • Got up and saw another naked person (equaling 4 very white bottoms).
  • Headed out to the Field Museum (this time we walked).
  • Saw some more pretty nifty things.
  • Pirate exhibit was pretty awesome.
  • Ate some good food while we were there.
  • (The brownies were divine.)
  • We all tired out pretty quickly so
  • we headed on back to our hotel to freshen up and then
  • we took a bus to the mall.
  • Not your ordinary mall. More of a building but it was cool.
  • Watched Michael Jackson music videos play on the big screens while we waited for the men to finish shopping around the Lego Store.
  • Walked to a Thai restaurant.
  • It looked pretty shady from the outside and we thought we were going to die.
  • Completely the opposite on the inside and really good food.
  • Walked to ColdStone.
  • Mmm-mmm.
  • Got back on the bus to head home. I rode it while standing.. THAT was an experience. Chicago bus drivers sure like their brake pedals.
  • Went swimming on the roof of the fourth floor for about 15 minutes because it was too cold.
  • Watched fireworks while we swam.
  • Crashed into bed.
  • Said bye to Bruce :(
  • Headed home.
  • Stopped at DQ for hamburgers but
  • they only had hotdogs and BBQ pork :(
  • Got one last ice cream of the trip
  • it was disgusting.
  • Got back to Iowa and hung out with his parents and my sister for the evening.
It was good. I'm still sad that it seemed like it flew by way too fast. And even though I wore comfortable sneakers for our excursions, next time I'm bringing pillows to wear under my feet. :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

10 months today

I always feel that if I have the chance to get on a computer that I should blog. But then I sit down to begin a new post and I don't know where to start... Oh!
Amelia is now a stair climber! Yes, it freaks me out, but don't worry. I keep a close eye on her. And whenever she starts to ascend the stairs, I am right behind her. The first time is the only time that she kind of lost her balance and kind of tipped backwards but I was right there. However, that does not mean that I will be letting her climb the stairs on her own any time soon.
She's also now crawling like a monkey. Up on her hands and feet rather than her hands and knees. I think it may have started when she would wear things that her little legs would get swallowed up in -pants, dresses and the like, her knees would get so far into the outfit and then she couldn't move very well anymore. So now she is up on her hands and feet.
She so wants to walk. She pulls herself up onto things and lets them (the couch) guide her path along.
She devours mango.
Crawls over things instead of going around them, even if that would be easier.
And Amelia is 10 months old today. It's going by so fast. I have to start planning her birthday party because it will be here soon enough.

That's kind of my life. I do get to occasionally hang out with friends, Courtney, and sometimes I'll see Bryan. He's been working so much lately that I find myself missing him.
I have been doing the Maker's Diet on and off again. I'm only 10 lbs away from my pre-baby weight!

Anyway, I think that's all I've got for now.. I really ought to get on here more often.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bryan's Birthday Bash

A whole weekend dedicated to Bryan turning 27. Three whole years from hitting 3o. When did we get to be this age?
I remember being in high school seeing all the cool older college kids, as well as those graduated from it, being in their mid to late 20's and thinking that they were so cool. And now here we are.

So, Bryan's birthday.

Friday was the official day of birth celebrationing, so we got a babysitter (Grandma Forbes) and went out to see a very adult, grown-up movie (Up) and stayed out way late (7:40pm) then finally crashing at a very unreasonable time for people even our age (10:45pm). But we had a great time doing it.

And since we like to make birthday as much of an excitement as they should be, we continued to celebrate the next day and the day after that.

Come Saturday, Bryan partied it up with a bunch of guys on a roof... as they drank water and fixed the shingles. :) Afterwards, he mowed. Yes, I let him mow on his -day after his- birthday. He wouldn't allow our friends, who care how long or short the grass in our backyard is, see it in it's "scraggly" form. Around dinner time, our closest friends came over and we partied it up with croquet, burgers, and cake. It's strange being part of the "parents" crowd, but alas, here we are. So with crazed, sugared-up children and parents wanting to sit on them, we had ourselves a good ol' time.

On Sunday, after church, we headed our almost partied out selves to his parents for dinner, more cake, and more gifts. It was a calm party, and I think that's how we preferred it. Bryan was "partied" out.
But he had a great weekend. As did Amelia and I. However, we are still catching up on our sleep...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

"What about Bob?"

My daughter's new favorite word, as well as to call me and other things at times, is "Bob." Or at least it sounds like Bob. She'll say, "mama bob." It's cute, strange, yet cute. I can't help but laugh. I'm trying to teach her that words have meanings so when she says "mama," I'll respond with a "yes, baby?" I'm hoping that she'll catch on.
She's been so adamant about walking lately, she has no regards to her daddy's and my backs. I walk around feeling the burn in my butt and thighs, a great, and free, work out for anyone who is trying to decide on their next workout routine. And she'll so laps! Hundreds of them before she tires. Then if we put her down on the ground she'll scream and cry. That's hard. It kind of breaks my heart.
And she's growing so fast! It's insane. She's already 9.25 months. Roughly. She's getting so big, and smart and such a lovely young person. She talks in rambling sentences, crawls around and play with her toys, is eating fruit! Our new favorite is mango. Mm, yes. I gave up long ago on baby food and just went straight to making my own. It's so much better. I know exactly what's in it and don't have to worry about preservatives. And it's not hard at all. I highly recommend it. (Thank you, Jolene!)
Her two top front teeth are starting to come in. I'm a little nervous for this since I'm still nursing her but she seems to know better than to bite. We should be ok. I hope.

I'm working my way through the Bible. I realized lately that I haven't read it much in a very long time and I haven't actually fully read through the entire Old Testament.
So I began about two weeks ago and have finished Genesis and am working my way through Exodus. Now that I'm a little older, it's interesting to actually be able to follow the lineage and to read their stories.
I love finding things that I don't quite understand and being able to hear the history and details of the stories so I can understand it better. I'm very excited for it. I've even put down Adam by Ted DekKer down half way through.

Since Amelia is starting to climb up on to things I've been working on decluttering my house. It hasn't been easy but it's growing increasingly easier as she starting to get into the things that I need to put away. Talk about encouragement!
So, our dining room table as well as my office desk is covered in putawayables. I'll get to it. Someday. I have to see if I have any boxes some where that I haven't thrown away.

I'm also in this wonderful Mom's study group. We get together every Thursday where we unload our hearts with whatever burdens we happen to be carrying as well as encourage and pray for each of the women in our group. Today was the first time that all of us have been able to get together in a long time and it was a great. I am so thankful for these ladies, the group we've created and the time we share each week. I look forward to each Thursday.

And not to forget my wonderful husband who is turning, an ever closer to 30, the grand ol' 27 tomorrow. Happy birthday, my love!

I apologize that each of my posts seem like a giant catch-up but I only get to get on a computer every so often. But I hope you all are well.

Until next time...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

9 months and counting...

My baby girl is nine months and a day. I add the "and a day" since I didn't get on here to inform you of this yesterday. She is officially crawling on her knees, like a big girl. It's very rare for her to army crawl any more. Her feet are cute to watch. The toes on the right curl and she uses her left toes to help push herself.
She is using more "mama" and now "dada," and they almost seem to be coming out with purpose.
We are still working on solids. I gave up on baby food and am just smashing up table food. So far she will eat/play with bananas, carrots and green beans. She will still gag a bit at times but it's not coming back up and out!
She's also pulling herself up into a standing position. It's fun to watch her, however nerve wracking to watch in hesitation that she might fall. I know it's ok, it's just hurts me to see her cry.
She's learning more to play with her toys although she still enjoys the expensive things: our camera, Bryan's iPhone. The things that tend to fall on her or hurt: the fan and the door. And the things that just annoy me when I'm trying to use them: the remote or the phone. But I can't help but love her and I seem to get over it pretty quickly.
She is learning to use her painful cry to her advantage. Before, I knew when she was hurt hurt, because she would use her painful cry, and I knew when she was just fine because of a different cry. But now, now she uses her painful cry for a lot of things. And she's good at the alligator tears. Another thing for mama to learn.
She is definitely my water baby. Even when the water is too cold for me to get in, she will still play in the water. It's cute and sweet, but that means I have to really keep an eye on her around any kind of water.

Anything else....

She's growing like a weed! Can't help but love her more every day.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!

This morning I woke up to find Amelia standing, yes standing, in her crib talking out to me in her good morning voice. Standing, folks! Yesterday she pulled herself into a standing position at the bottom of the stairwell. I just couldn't believe it. My daughter is getting so big so fast!
And today, she finally crawled on her knees! She has been doing an army crawl for a long while now. And she has gotten up on her knees only to come back down to her belly to crawl but today, today she crawled while being up on her knees. She still does an army crawl but she can crawl on her knees!
Ah, my baby girl. Who, I guess, isn't so much of a baby any more now is she?

Friday, May 29, 2009

Look at me! I'm blogging!

It so strange not to blog once a week- give or take. I don't enjoy it mostly for the fact that it's kind of my journal about my sweet daughter and all of her milestones. Really, all I can think of is that she's "talking" a lot more. Saying cute phrases like, "ba bababa baba ba ba," and "mama mamama ma." Isn't that darling!? She's my little cup of joy. She's so smiley and happy. She's a little clingy but I try not to give in to it too much. Sometimes it's hard, though, because she's so dang cute and such a great cuddler. I love when she rests her little head on my shoulder. Allow a moment for me to let out a contented sigh.
So, she is 8 months now. Well 8 months and some. It's amazing how fast it flies, and there is no way to slow it down. Ever since she's been born I've made sure to take the great advice given to me that is, "Take in every moment, because it passes by so quickly." I know a lot of mom's who can't wait to get to certain milestones but I just enjoy her as she is in the moment. Yeah, soon she'll be crawling really fast and I'll enjoy it then, but for now I'm enjoying her ever improving army crawl and her new found adventurous curiousity for different rooms, tiny things to be swallowed and doors. Ah, such wonders.
My little love.

I am finishing up week one of phase 2 in the Maker's Diet. I feel incredible. I've already lost some weight, I have more energy, I feel healthier and bouncier. Bouncier? Really? Yes, folks. Bouncier. It's fantastic. I really encourage people to read the Maker's Diet. It's not just a "diet" but a lifestyle change. It's superb. And you really do get to eat!

My little family and I have been greatly enjoying the warm weather we have had. Not the rainy cold stuff from the past few days but these last weeks have been awesome. We've done bonfires and grilling, and getting to hang out with our friends. Summer is so nice. Everyone feels happier and is more willing to get out of their cozy beds to do something. I love waking up to the birds chirping, the smell of freshly cut grass, the warm sun, cool breeze. Summer is definitly a renewing season. Spring is great, don't get me wrong, but it only gets you there. Summer is good.

I've also got my house good and cleaned. Well, it's 90% there. Just a few more things to get done and I will have officially Spring Cleaned my house for the season. It feels so good to have such a clean house! I love cleanliness and organization. I don't always like getting it there but, I sure do love it when it is.

I feel like I should have more to tell, and I guess I do, but I'm just going to have to leave it at this for now. I'll try to be better at finding a computer to get back here more often.

Have a GREAT Friday, everyone!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Well, hello!

So, it's been another good while. So let's update:

Amelia is now a power crawler! For about a week and a half now.. maybe two weeks. She's a little slow in her crawling but I think it's the footie pj's that we put her in. That, and she hasn't quite figured out just how to use her hands. She kind of slaps them down together at times or not far enough ahead of her. It's so cute, though.
I'm also pretty sure she's saying "mama." It is more of a "mamamama" but really, it's "mama." We all know it, so don't deny it.
She's also clapping! But that one's a little older. Doesn't make me less proud though.

Two weekends ago, we took our good friends down to my grandparents farm for a weekend of R&R. Some much needed R&R. We had a very good time. There was fishing, roasting wienies and s'mores, riding horses, stalking a humming bird as well as some other good times. I really don't think anyone wanted to go home come Sunday. In fact, we'd all still be there if it wasn't for jobs and my grandparents sanity.

Last weekend, Bryan, Amelia and I all went out with his family to Galena. It was beautiful, fun however overpriced but well worth it. It was a fun day and we're already making plans to go back with different people!
Sunday was my first official Mother's Day. It was FANtastic. Before church, Amelia "gave" me a card. It was the sweetest thing. She even signed it and everything!
At church we had a baby dedication and we were one of three families.
Then we went to Bryan's parents house for lunch.
We got home and Bryan mowed while Amelia and I took a nap.
In the evening we had a few friends over for some pizza and a bon fire with s'mores.
I also got a card from my love (Bryan) and it made me tear up just a bit.

It was great. The best! first Mother's Day I could have asked for.

Until next time!...

Thursday, April 30, 2009

What to say, what to say...

I don't enjoy their being such a span in my posts, but it's kind of tough to work around when there is only one working computer in the house and the hubby is using it for business. I guess that's more important.. Ok, it is. But that means for very limited usage of the computer and the time spent on it. So, here I am, wasting my time about my limited time...

Well, first off, allow me to update on our baby's newest feat: She has learned to clap. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, our 7.5 month old learned to clap yesterday and very proudly showed off her new skill. She is still trying to figure out how to crawl, however!, she can masterfully pull herself by grabbing onto something, eloquently push with her big toes and successfully get up on to her knees. That's as far as it gets but it's something and you couldn't ask for prouder parents than we.

As for my Bryan, well, he is working very hard. I am proud of him and all that he does. He loves what he does and you couldn't really ask for more than that. He's also doing his darndest with the Worship Team at church as well as being on the team for finding our church a new pastor. Not to forget that he also works with the youth on Wednesday nights as a sponser... Man, he's busy. I guess I never really realized.

Me, well, I've been sick these last couple of days, but other than that I am part of a Mom's Bible study on Thursday mornings. I haven't been part of one in a long time and I am fully enjoying it. I'm anxious for us to get further into it and better established since it's new and still getting its bearings. I really like it though, and the women are so beautiful. It's so nice having other mom's who are more experienced than I but are still learning themselves.
I've also been blessed to hang out with Jolene on some days. It's so nice to have a good friend that's home during the days as well. Less loneliness.
This weekend our family is taking our friends, the Pitts', down to my grandparents farm. We're hoping it will be a blessing to get away and relax in such a calm and peaceful environment. We love being down there so we can only hope that they'll enjoy it as much as we do.

If you think about us, pray for our health, that whatever sickness I have will leave with me and won't pass on to any of my family or friends, pray for our travels, and for our church as it goes through a transition right now.

Anyway, hopefully I won't take as long to post again. Hope you feel loved today.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


My daughter will be 7 months in two days... It's hard to believe. She is growing like crazy, physically and mentally. She's so smart and cute and lovable. It's hard to get enough of her some days.
She gets so frustrated that she's not mobile yet. She tries to get around, and she can, by paddling herself in circles, going backwards and then turning around, stretching, and pushing off of things. Sunday, she showed us a new trick by forming an "A" shape with her body -sticking her butt up in the air, while being on her tippy toes and her forearms. It was cute.
This last weekend really took it out of her too. Bryan had Friday off so we hung around being lazy, then ran around doing errands -shopping and such. Then I got to hang out with my sister, Courtney
Then on Saturday we hung out with friends all day. First Jolene and B, and Courtney. Then we headed off to Keith and Em's for dinner and a bonfire with s'mores. It was a very good day.
Sunday, we headed to church, enjoyed Easter service, then headed to Bryan's parents for lunch and Jolene and Dave's for dinner. We had such a good time that we didn't leave until 11:30 at night!
So with all the craziness of the weekend, I thought I should give Amelia a little break. So what did we do yesterday? Nothing. And it was swell. Well, not nothing, we did sleep. From 10-1 and then she again from 2:30-4:30. Then down at 8.
I had to let her cry herself to sleep last night. The past few nights have been bad... Up every hour, sometimes not wanting to go back to sleep. I couldn't take it. So we let her cry for 20 minutes and then I went in there to let her know I was here, that I loved her and that she was OK. So, I stroked her hair, kissed her and let her hold tightly to my arms as she sniffled herself to sleep. It was painful but let me tell ya, she slept for three hours at a time! PTL. I just pray for the will to do it and keep reminding myself that it's worth it and it's good for her however painful it may be for myself.

Anyway, I'm off to have some steak for lunch. Enjoy your Tuesday and hopefully it won't take me another 2 weeks to post again!

Friday, April 03, 2009

I know, I know.

It's been a while.
I'm a slacker.
But I've got a 6 and a half month old who requires an awful lot of attention and will cry at whatever means necessary to get that attention!
So, last Saturday I threw an adoption party for our dear friends, Mr. and Mrs. Keithy Weithy. If you didn't see my blog before, just scroll down a few posts and you will see that they got to adopt their third and (quite certain) final child. Very exciting. So, in lieu, of this wonderful event, I threw a party in their honor with the help of some very extrordinary and wonderful baking women. We had some wonderful food made, fantastic people to celebrate with and a very pretty guest of honor in her sweet little green dress. The party was fun, folks. Let me tell ya. ...I guess I just did.
What else... what else...
Nothing super exciting has really happened this week. I get to spend my days with my darling daughter. Watch her grow, learn, explore. I couldn't ask for a better job. And to get paid in slobbery kisses!!
I have switched to cloth diapers. I put it off for so long because I could never find the vinyl/plasticy covers that go over the cloth in her size at the time. First they were too big, now too small. So I went ahead and bought some size 12m just so I could get going on doing my part to help the environment. I am definitely going to look into getting something better. Nothing like hearing the crunching of plastic coming from your child.
Her teeth have come to a halt at where they stand. They're there. The tops of them anyway. Maybe they are just making their entrance very slowly. Yeah, that's probably it.
(strumming fingers on keyboard)
Tonight we all three went to Bryan's parents house. We had dinner and celebrated his brothers and wife's birthdays. We got to hang out with the whole family, which is a rareity anymore since Bruce is off in Chicago most of the days for school. Pleasant evening.
Tomorrow, Bryan and I are starting back up on the Maker's Diet. It was hard to do the first time, so be praying for us this time around. Since I have hypothyroid, this is the only way for me to lose weight. And since I still have some baby weight left on me, I felt it was about time. Plus, I swear my 65 y/o grandparents are in better shape than I am, so exercise routine, here I come.
For the first four weeks we'll be in phase I and II, and in those phases we can't have cow products, only goat (like milk and cheese) nor breads of any kind. This is to clean out your system to introduce the healthy, earthy foods, like sprouted grains and organic dairy. It's hard. But I want to be healthy and I want to teach my child(ren) good eating habits as well as exercising the body.

Anyway, that's all of an update for now, I suppose.

Just so you know, I haven't blogged in a while because our laptop is down and since my husband works from home I don't see much of the computer. It's all right, just longer gaps in my posting.
Have a good night!

Friday, March 27, 2009

6 tupperware boxes later

For the last couple of days I have been pulling out tupperware boxes that are full of clothes to sort through. Amelia has grown so much that I needed to put her 6 months and smaller away and start pulling out the 6-9 months and bigger.
Three huge tupperware's sorted through and the 6-9 now in her drawers, it was time to put away her teeny's away. I went through the big box of clothes that was in her room. This box that I have slowly filled with her teeny clothes as she out grew them. It was time since the box was overflowing.
I sorted through the ones I wanted to keep, the ones I didn't want, and the ones I wanted to treasure. I saved four outfits for Amelia alone. No one else will wear. Four tiny outfits for me to treasure and her to one day have.
Her newborn outfit that I took a picture of her in and sent it out as an announcement.
Her ducky outfit which seemed to swallow her at one time.
Her burgandy outfit with a sweet bunny stitched on it's side and
Her Christmas dress and shoes.

I always say, I'm sad how fast she growing but I'm thankful that she's growing.

She is such a funny little creature lately. She has such a beautiful, joyous little personality and it is the sweetest thing to be around. She loves to scream at you and to get you to scream back at her. She'll bend over while you're holding her to pick something up that she wants. She's pretty good at putting her paci into her mouth. She gets the biggest grin on her face when she sees someone or something that she loves. She'll peek around to look at someone or something. She's a grabber. She reaches out to be held. She's a very good cuddler.

And she has the cutest fake cry.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

"Adam and Eve had many advantages, but the principal one was that they escaped teething." -Mark Twain

This last Wednesday, Amelia was feeling very off, ill, not well. I felt so bad for her and it was frustrating because I really didn't know what I could do for her but to watch her cues and help her in the best way, and any way, that I could.
Over the course of the day, I had tried three different times to give her Tylenol, all resulting in her throwing up. The last one was the worst. She had nothing in her belly but I knew it was coming. She kept gagging and her poor little face was so disgusted. So I grabbed her, turned her over on a towel to prepare for what was to come [up].
I don't know what was more painful. For her to dry heave twice before turning red and throwing up what little she could muster, or me, having to watch my baby go through that. I about couldn't contain myself.
Since Bryan's mom is a nurse, she offered us some advice to try to avoid the throwing up and to get some medicine down into her. She suggested to sit her up (to avoid the gagging), have her suck on her paci, insert the dropper in the side of her mouth and give her just a little at a time. Ta-da.
I did know this at one point in time. I really did.
She was so much better the next day. She looked better, felt (no fever) better and acted more like her self. It was sweet joy.
On Friday, I talked to my friend, Jolene, who has a two year old herself and she said that her daughter would always be ill just when she was about to cut teeth. So come Monday or Tuesday she would bet that Amelia would have her first tooth (or signs of it).
Sure enough, on the way home from the other side of Iowa, Courtney felt her gums and there were signs of soon-to-be teeth. I can feel her gums cutting.
My sweet, gummy baby will soon be not toothless, with tooth, to be with teeth. It's happening. It's been happening. She is growing so fast.

Did I tell you all that she is now reaching her arms out for me to hold her. She wants me to hold her all the time.

Have I mentioned how much I love watching her grow.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A bit of randomness and some catching up

Amelia hasn't been feeling very well the last couple of days. Yesterday, we took her in for her 6 month check up, yup she's officially 6 months as of last Monday, and she felt even worse afterward. She was fussy and achy. At one point she actually threw up.
Last night, she was running a slight fever of 99.7. She only woke up at two points in the night but when she woke up and after she ate she would fuss, and cry a bit for about a half hour to 45 minutes. Sometimes she just wanted to be held to fall back asleep. I felt so bad for her.
Today, she's still pretty fussy and achy. She did throw up again this morning. Both times were after I gave her some tylenol. We're figuring that she eats too much before hand and then the tylenol is just too much. I'm not sure. It's horrible though because then I'm afraid to give her any for her fever and aches. What to do, what to do...

Last week, my sister Courtney moved up here to get a head start on work and a place to live before school begins in the fall. It's nice having part of my family around. My mom, however, is now an empty-nester. She has called us a few time (3) last week, which I don't mind at all cause I always miss my mom. She also asked us to go down to her place this weekend. Can't blame her there since she doesn't get to see her grand-baby very often.

Courtney and I did go for a walk yesterday. It was gorgeous. I cant wait for more days in the 70's. I also got some yard work done. I have a blister to prove it!

Ok, I'm off to get some house work done while my sicky is sleeping.

...I think I'm in need of a Peanut Buster Parfait. Oooh, or some ColdStone...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My baby girl

My sweet little girl is growing up so quickly.
Yesterday she started splashing in the tub.
This week she has been laughing like crazy at her aunt Courtney.
She enjoys peek-a-boo and having you blow in her face.
She isn't crawling just yet, but she does 360* turns on her belly.
She loves being naked.
Today I gave her rice for the first time.
She will be six months in 6 days.
Nothing gets her so excited.
She has some strong lungs and likes to show them off by screaming.
Her lips are usually puckered making some sort of blowing/spitting/buzzing sort of noise.
She's learning to eat her feet.
She loves to stand
And dance.
When she gets really excited, she'll kick her legs and hit her thighs in delight.
She's a talker even though she doesn't know English yet.
She's growing like a weed.
She can't stand that she's not mobile.
We buy her toys and she likes the tags.
She has the most beautiful face
And makes the funniest faces.
She has the sweetest little toes.
She likes to rest her head on my shoulder. (I like it, too.)
She has the cutest little tush.

I love her.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

"And the Valiant Attempt Award goes to..."

Last night, I made a valiant attempt at putting my daughter in her crib, in her own room for the first time last night.
It was hard.
I cried.
But I had thought to myself that I didn't want to be one of those moms that drives their kids crazy because she won't let them grow up. Amelia is no longer two months old. Yes, she's still completely dependent on me, but she's growing up. She couldn't stay my tiny newborn baby forever. She'll always be my baby, but I've got to let her grow up.
She fussed as usual about an hour after I laid her down, but it's always because her paci fell out when she dozed off. So, I put it back in and returned to watching American Idol with Bryan. Five minutes later, she was screaming and nothing would console her. So I picked her up and went to the rocking chair in her room. I think she just woke up and didn't know where she was, scared. We rocked and cuddled until she was back fast asleep. And then a little bit longer for mommy.
The night was kind of a haze since I couldn't just reach over and hand her her paci or roll over and pick her out of her bassinet to feed her. I had to get up and walk down the hall each time her paci fell out, twice, and also to go get her to feed her. I tried bringing her back to our bedroom to feed her but I felt like it just woke her up more. Then, at about 2 in the morning, exhausted, I went to grabbed my crying, hungry baby and went back to our room. I fell asleep feeding her and woke 2 hours later. I figured it would be about feeding time again so I would fall asleep til she cried and feed her again. I feel asleep and woke at 6 to an awake baby. Not hungry. Just awake.
She's starting to eat less and less at night. I think she just wants to be in our room, in our bed. I've created a monster. So, now the trick is to figure out if she's hungry or not really.
I feel like a need a whole night awake just to figure this out...


Monday, March 02, 2009

What a weekend.

Forever, I have been wanting an area to do all of my crafting. A place where I could have all my things organized so I didn't have to drag around my tools to different areas of the house just to find a location that I could sit and craft. Thus resulting in a craft disaster area for days on end until I was finished with whatever I was doing. Sometimes it would take me twice as long just to finish a craft because of all the chaos.
Well, not anymore, folks. Bryan and I decided that it was time and for my Christmas present he was going to give me a desk. Keith offered to build one for me because he did such a darn good job on Emily's and it was way cheaper. We had to wait a couple of months because we got financially strapped but we got on a budget and we pinched our pennies getting the money worked out.
A week+ ago, Keith, Bryan and I went out, got all the material, dragged it back to Keith's and he got to work on it. I sat back and dreamed about my sketches magically being turned into the real life thing. Ok, not magically. Someone did have to work on it.
Come Saturday, my desk was finished, set up in my craft area, beautiful, functional. I got right to it, setting it up, getting all my crafts organized. I worked my butt off for two hours before heading out with Emily.
We stopped at Michael's where I managed to get a few craft things and things to help organize my things. After hitting Puddled Jumpers we made our way to Wal-Mart where I got a couple more things for organizing and Emily got groceries.
After returning home, my mom and sister were waiting on me.. sorta. Courtney was hanging out but my mom was already making good use of my new craft desk.
I organized some more and hung out with the clan.
Sunday, after church, some good food and naps, we hung out and got some flowers painting in Amelia's room. Her room is almost finished! Woot!
Mom and Court had to leave this morning, which was sad because I always miss them when they leave, but allowed me to get some things done. I finished painting the flowers, picked up the living room a bit and got a bird house painted.
Oh, and poor baby, Amelia got something in her eye which apparently hurt her really bad. She cried and couldn't open her eye. She kept rubbing it like crazy and it was getting all red. I grabbed a wet cloth and tried dripping water into the corner of her eye to wash it out. It wasn't working so I called Bryan down. He calmed her down, and me, and whatever it was finally worked it's way out. Ah! The torture of seeing your child in pain!
Oh, and last night, my mom and I decided to capture Amelia' s footprint in paint. Let me tell you, that was an experience. After we got the paint on her foot, pressed it and got an impression, we didn't know where to go from there. We had gotten too excited and didn't think far enough ahead. So, here we are, holding a painted baby foot looking at each other at what to do next. So, the genius' that we are, grabbed a plastic bag and wrapped it around her foot to do the next one. We did the next foot and grabbed another bag to wrap the newly painted foot. Imagine the thought of my daughter being carried downstairs with a grocery bag tied around each foot. She had fun splashing her feet in the sink as we hosed her down. It was an amusingly good time.