Friday, November 21, 2008

It's lonely without Courtney

I am going to blog now because soon I will be bathing my daughter and then heading over to Emily's for a scrapnight! Wha-hoo! I'm so excited. I just hope they are all feeling well because we don't want the bug that is going around. However, we did get our flu shot so hopefully that will help.

Courtney did indeed go home this morning. It doesn't feel like this morning but it was. It probably feels like another day because I did nap with Amelia this afternoon. I was tired from staying up with Court til 1 in the morning.
I've also bought some curl enhancing creme. It's very cool and my hair is very curly. I did add a little too much and it looks a tad oily but I'll just know better for next time.
Bryan had an eye appointment (finally after two months of nagging!) on Wednesday and today he got his new glasses. We're still waiting on the contacts. And that boy made me go into Mt. V to get his glasses for him even though we'll be in town on Monday for a Dr. appointment for Amelia! He's crazy. But I did it because I love him.
I miss my daughter.. she's upstairs sleeping in her swing. :(

It's a little odd not having Courtney here...

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