Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Thanksgiving is coming REALLY soon!!!

I thought I owed it to the blog to update it.
I felt kind of bad.

So in recent:
I have discovered a fantastic sugar cookie recipe.
I will not disclose -so don't ask. ;)
I'm still thinking about becoming a baker.

College algebra is kicking my butt.
I can't figure out if it's me or the teacher
but I'm assuming it's me and I'm taking responsibility.
I don't want to have to take it again.

Pottery has been really fun.
I've quite enjoyed the kick wheel.
Bryan may have to buy me one
then help me make a kiln.
This is the last week for wet clay
so on Thursday we finish up our pieces
and then start firing.
It's all very exciting.
I'm trying to decide if I want to spend the money
for the next class.
I've ended up with some really nice pieces.
I can't wait til they are all finished.

Work still sucks. bleh.

We are getting settled into our house.
It's so cute and becoming really lovely and cozy.
The living room and office are finished.
Our bedroom and the dining room are almost finished.
I'm organizing the remaining boxes that are
residing within the spare bedroom.
Pitching, sorting, storing what needs it and or needs to go.

Pete (our dog) drives me crazy.
He still piddles all over whenever he decides he's too tired
or the carpet doesn't smell quite like pee yet.
He's getting better though.
However, two words:
Shock Collar.

Bryan is getting a nice raise that starts with the next paycheck.
And a very nice bonus.
We've pretty much spent it already
-only within our minds, of course.

Grampa is doing well.
His hip is healing and he has moved on from
the walker
and onto the cane.
He hates to be babied.
He's ready for the hard labor to begin.
Such a manly man.

I'm also getting into card making.
It's really cool.
And Ms. Em gave me a little kit
which is really very cool.

There was a bake sale at church on Sunday.
What I really liked were Rachel's.
They looked very scary
but they were quite the opposite.

I'm excited for the holidays.
Mmm... turkey.
Bah -Late Christmas shoppers...

Ah anyway.
I could probably go on,
but this is long enough and I need sleep.
(I've been really bad about remembering to take my medicine
and the affect is sleepyness.)

Have a good night.
Hopefully I'll find more time to do this more often.
God bless

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Where there is death, there is life

This weekend was pretty good.

Hung out with my mom and sisters.

Spent the day with my fam.
Mom, Sarah, Court, Lee-
grama and grampa,
Kim, Jon, Mattie, and Malachi.
Got some pretty rockin' gifts.
Played some Dance, Dance Revolution
and Wii.
Saw my little sis' new apartment-
real cute.
Met Bryan's friend, Chris,
his wife and family.
Whole lotta animals...

I wasn't feeling too well-
so Bryan and I stayed home while
the fam went to church.
Chris' beagle, Copper,
aggravated the dog itch in Bryan.
Went to a pet store to look around.
Found Pete.
9 week old beagle runt.
I never thought that we would have
found a beagle.
No such thing as coincidence.
We've found our Pete.

The family's baby,
Chance Michael,
a twelve y/o cocker spaniel
golden retriever mix,
has a tumor.
It's gotten progressively worse,
he has a hard time walking
and sitting,
and his eyes are starting to cloud over.
My grandparents have waited as long as they can-
they won't allow him to suffer.

We love you baby Chance.
You've been an incredible dog and friend.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Birthday regrets...

I have none!!

I'm 23 years old.
I can't believe it.

Monday, Bryan set up a
birthday party for me.
Lots of friends present,
a few with unavoidable happenings,
and two MIA...
But it was great!

We had a campfire which means:
roasted hot dogs and s'mores.
Bryan also made homemade ice cream!
We're still snacking on it.
I did eat way too much though.
1 bowl of ice cream and 4(?) s'mores!
Ah.. but it was tasty...

Right now I'm blogging while I should be
in Lit class,
but recently I've been fighting off a
and Bryan hasn't been sleeping well,
so this morning we never heard the alarm.
Oh well,
Happy Birthday to me!
I got to sleep in a bit!

I will have to work tonight
But it's all good,
the Lord has blessed me with
legs to walk
and arms to stock!

I've received a lot of
birthday wishes
on facebook, already.
Very cool and thoughtful.
My baby sis even sent me a message
on my phone with the written version of
Happy Birthday.

This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

Saturday, September 01, 2007

My birthday month begins!

20 years ago

  1. I was a mere age of three.
  2. I became a big sister.
  3. I still live in Nebraska, Grand Island to be exact.

10 years ago

  1. I will have become a teenager.
  2. Had only my mom and two little sisters.
  3. Started eighth grade year home-schooled.

5 years ago

  1. I started college.
  2. Got my drivers license.
  3. Bought my first car.

3 years ago

  1. Married my best friend.
  2. Moved to a whole new place, way far away from all my family.
  3. Lived in my first apartment with the best roommate a gal could have.
  4. Got a wonderful kitty, Chloe, who we've gotten to watch grow from the day she was born.
  5. Spent a semester at a school for the deaf and learned more of a language that I loved and now refuse to do.

1 year ago

  1. Gave up on a church and loved a Baptist church.
  2. Got to work as a nanny for a single itty bitty baby.
  3. Started college back up.

So far this year

  1. I've lost 22 pounds.
  2. Made wonderful friends.
  3. Did the crafts for VBS.
  4. Went to my first baseball game and loved it!


  1. Worked til my legs fell off.
  2. Went to school.
  3. Fell asleep and slept like a rock.


  1. Slept til ten.
  2. Worked til my legs fell off...again.
  3. Watched Dirty Jobs.


  1. Enjoy the day at Adventure Land with Bryan!
  2. Ride a whole lot of roller coasters.
  3. Try not to get sick in any way.

In the next year

  1. I will continue to grow closer to God.
  2. Be closer to having a house.
  3. Have some prayers answered... hopefully.

This week has totally kicked my butt.
Work and school-
Next week I work everyday.
Then Friday we'll head down to my mom's.
Monday Bryan planned a birthday party for me.
We'll get together with a bunch of friends
at a friends house
and have a cookout with hotdogs and smores.
I'm super excited.
Bryan's great.
Speaking of..
I'm gonna spend some time with him now...

(It's almost my birthday!)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Bryan's home!!!

The world is right again.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Another day.

Bryan left for California/Oregon
at 2 this afternoon.
I only cried 3 times.
Almost cried 11ty billion...
Pray for his safety and trip.

I had my 1st day of school today.
It wasn't too bad.
Stupid sandals gave me a blister.
I'm kicking them out the door.
Pun intended.

I have the Friends Fiesta tonight.
I made homemade cookies for the 3 girls.
Emily is having Keith make homemade
salsa for me to eat... mmm.

Grampa's surgery went well.
He had a polup that they had to remove.
But, praise God, no cancer.
His surgery for his hip is now moved
to the 17th of September.

My mom will be on her way to me
tomorrow morning at 8.
I love my mama.
She knows me far too well.

Tomorrow's school day will be busy.
I have three classes that are far apart
with only 10 minutes to get there.
-2 words:
speed. walk.

I miss Bryan.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


So I got a job a Michael's.
I will be on the floor doing stock and such.
I go in today to sign the papers.
I'm only slightly excited because it's a job.
However, it's a job.
I think it's probably for the best though
for specific reasons and all.

Bryan leaves for California on Tuesday.
I start school that day as well.
Then I have a Friends Fiesta
with some gal pals.
Gal pals...
what a funny phrase.

My mom may come up the next day
and stay through Friday.
I miss her
and my grandparents
and my sisters.
Then I'll get to hang out with Bruce...
but that's not until next week.
A bunch of highs but a really big low.

I bought my books for school.
I'm really very excited about throwing clay.
I'm still sad that I won't get to take photography.
I don't feel like I have enough art classes
but there's not a whole heck of a lot I can do about that.

A dear sweet elderly lady,
has cancer in her knee.
Pray for her.

Bryan and I are still looking for a house to rent.
There's places all over for sale
but we don't think we're gonna live here for
more than two years.
We're too far from my side of the family.

We still can't find our camera.
I think we've given up.

The Bible is a really good read.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Michaels Craft Store -Event Coordinator

I had a job interview this morning at Michael's
(It's a craft store).
She started talking to me about hiring me for
but then realized that I'm into art,
so she talked to me about being a coordinator
for the crafting department.
That sounds awesome.
Pray for God's will with this job!

P.S. Still haven't found our camera... :(

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I'm shrinking!!

So for our anniversary
Bryan got a hotel room-
an Executive Suite.
It was awesome.
Living room, eat-in area,
small kitchen, king sized bed,
ginormous bathroom...
It had a shower, two sinks
and a jacuzzi!
It was great.

Yesterday, Keith came over
and helped Bryan with our white car.
It has been sitting in the parking lot
since November.
It needed work done on it but we
could only afford what had to be done
The rest had to wait until we could
afford for it to be done.
About $300 worth.

Since we had let it sit for so long
the battery was dead,
the gas was bad
and something else wasn't looking so hot.

So yesterday they worked on the car
and two hours and $30 later it was fixed.
Imagine that.

However, Bryan didn't walk away without
getting bit by a hornet.
There was a hornets nest behind
the drivers side mirror.
I saw two-
Then warned.
Bryan swatted-
Then ran.
The hornet attacked-
then bit... hard.
Poor Bryan.

Last night we had a meeting for
the discussion of VBS.
It went really well and I'm now
excited for next years!

So far...
I have lost eighteen pounds.
So on Saturday I got to go shopping
because my clothes are getting to big!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

What a week!!!

This week was nuts.
Monday-Friday we had VBS and I
was Professor Clutz the crafting scientist.
Although it was a little crazy, stressful and hectic
at times,
it was a lot of fun.
Last night was the craziest of the complete
three weeks.

I had to go in at 3:30 to
get all of the crafts set up for collection,
clean up from the previous night,
finish any crafts that were left unfinished
due to lack of time,
and set up for the nights crafts.
Bryan and I didn't get there til 4:00,
then Bryan only got to help for so long because
Keith needed help picking up a root beer keg.
So I was on my own.
I got some extra help from Miss Ashleigh
(she helped me a lot this week. Thanks Ash).
We had just beat the clock and made it in time.

During the first craft I had to use a hot glue gun
and I burnt myself.
On the tip of my middle finger.
It seriously hurt for three hours.
Throbbing, burning pain all the way
up my arm.
I had to keep my finger
dipped in ice water.
A ton of people helped me out
and took good care of me.
I now have a giant blister
and my finger is numb.
It'll heal.

After it was all said and done
we cleaned the whole church.
So many people helped out and pitched in
it got done in about an hour.
And the place was spic and span.

Afterwards, when everyone had gone home,
we went to leave and
found an anniversary card
on our windshield.
It was a beautifully handmade
and signed by a lot of wonderful people.
Bryan and I are still really touched
by the beautiful sentiment.
We feel truly blessed
having such wonderful people in our lives.

So all in all
Bryan and I had a wonderful week
at VBS
and a wonderful third anniversary.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

It's really been a while...

I finished class. I'm now done until fall. Summer finally began at 2:00pm that day. I got an A- in the class and an A in my human bio.
School starts back up again Aug.21. This is my final semester. I'm very excited.

We went down to Grama and Grampa's.
After having left at 7:30pm, due to unfortunate work reasons, we didn't arrive at our destination until midnight. We were both really tired and ready for be, however, the car refuses to drive itself. Stubborn thing.
We had a really fun weekend. Played yahtzee, hung out with everyone. It was a good time.
Grampa is having surgery again at the end of August. Keep him in your prayers. Grama is retiring on the 17. She's really excited.

JoAnna and I have been working on our parts for VBS.
Note* There are many other people working very hard on their own part as well.
Almost everyday JoAnna and I have been at the church painting banners for the walls. It's a space theme and so there is a lot of black and silver. It's good fun but a lot of time.
JoAnna is the director, the main woman in charge, so she has a lot of stuff to do to get ready for this coming Monday. Because of all of that, I'm very grateful that I'm not the only one painting.
I'm in charge of the crafts. I'm very excited. I've been collecting all of the material for each activity and putting a prototype together. It's some good fun.
For the week, I get to be a gooby scientist. I'm deciding between crazy, absent-minded, "blind", or whatever else I can think of before VBS week starts.

Week four.
Yesterday was the start of the fourth week. The second week of the second phase of the Makers Diet.
I know I probably mentioned it before but I had exercised for eight weeks without any results before we did this. And because of the thyroid condition plus my anxiety medicine, I can't loose weight. However, in the first 10 days of the Makers Diet I had lost 10 pounds. I am gradually losing a little bit more each day.
Not only have both Bryan and I lost 10+ pounds each, we both feel so much better, more refreshed and more awake. I have also had a lot of redness in my face for the past 10 years that I couldn't get rid of. But since we started this it has faded. This makes me very happy so I don't have to wear make-up.
It's very lovely.

In other news:
Bryan and I are looking for another place to reside within. We need more room, and a dining room, or even a large kitchen with room for a table, would be nice. We would also like to have three bedrooms. This way we can have company and their only option wouldn't have to be the couch.

We still can't find our not cheap camera. Pray that we will.

Monday, June 11, 2007

In recent news...

So lately...
let's see...

My grampa had his surgery and is doing better. He had kidney failure because of the anestesia. I guess that happened last time and so when it happened this time my grama new what was going on and said something but the doctors didn't listen and ended up having them come back in when the pill didn't work for a catheter.
So that's a nice bill for two e-room visits. He's doing better now and just needs to rest up. He will be having another surgery for another problem here in a month (I think).

What else...?

Last Thursday I got my second test back from Human Bio and I received a 99%. That
would be an A+ but my school doesn't recognize the plus with the A's. That makes the A sad and lonely.
I also have two papers due on Monday that are 3-5 pages in length. Both, of which, are research papers. It wouldn't be so bad if I had the weekend to work on them as well but we are going down to my grandparents on Thursday so I will have to have everything together so I can work on typing it. If I can manage that then it won't be so bad.


We also had Shawn Fest on June 2. Asaph's Apprentice was by far the best. However, I may be bias but they did bring the house down.
Joanna, Michael and Miss Hannah came to watch. Hannah (who is almost 4) and I head banged. Joanna and I got wet. Michael was definately having a good time rocking the casbah.
It was very impressive.
There is also a benefit concert coming up on June 30 called Legacy. If you are going to be anywhere around you should come. It will be awesome.

Oh yes...

Yesterday we had a BBQ after church and surprisingly a lot of people showed. We sat around chatting and getting to know people better. Aquaintances have turned into friends. And friends have turned into better friends. It was a who-ha of a good time.

I made cake and there was none left to bring home. That was fine by me however delicious it was. If it came home we would have devoured it. That wouldn't be good.

After we had all eaten Bryan suggested frisbee so I said I would play. I didn't expect but maybe one or two people to play with us but we had a truck load of people come and play for over an hour. It was a huge circle and a whole lot of fun. Except Michael who was a frisbee thief. I think he was just showing off for the lovely Joanna. But that should be the case.

Anything else...

Bryan and I are going on The Makers Diet on Monday (not today but the next). We have to wait for the oils, aromatherapy and vitamins to come in. I'm really excited.
If you know me then you probably know that I have a thyroid condition that made me gain weight and makes it really hard to lose it. I have been working out and eating right for eight weeks now and I haven't lost a pound. So to do this in a healthy way we are starting the Makers Diet.

The guy who wrote the book had a lot of health conditions and incurable diseases. He didn't think he was going to make it to see his 21st birthday. After studying the Bible and following the original diet that God had set up he is now healthy, married and has a kid!

Now that I feel like I'm trying to sell this I'm really just talking about it cause I'm so dang excited. My thyroid condition is a lifetime thing but the book talks about how this diet is meant to make everything work the way God intended it. Now I'm not getting my hopes up by expecting a change but I think it would be awesome for my body to work the way it was meant to!
So, come Monday I will maintain the diary I started to keep track and let everyone know how it goes. This certainly is no man-made fad with pills and laxatives to get you down to a size triple 0 but God's way to get and keep you healthy. So I do expect it to work.

I will let you know.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Put grampa back together again

Today my grampa is going into surgery for his knee. Pray that it goes well and for the surgeon's hands. They're not replacing it but putting some new "cartilage" where the natural has deteriorated. I wish we could be down there with
my grama and grampa.

We love love love them.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

We would have called him Pete.

I got my Human Bio test back today.
I can't tell you how relieved I am.
She put the average on the bored
and it was a C+
so here I am thinking,
"oh no. Please don't let me have
less than a B."
But lo and behold.
A minus ladies and gentlemen.

-More good news-
Recently Bryan's employers have been
talking about giving him a raise
for all the amazing work he's been doing.
They're so impressed that they gave him a bonus
PLUS a raise!!
I'm so proud of him.

It's totally a God thing because we
are in need of some extra cash flow
ever since the government took us to the cleaners.

Both of our cars need a special touch,
we have school bills,
medical bills
and miscellaneous things that just seem to
get placed on the back burner.
Not to mention that we want to save
some money for a house
and my wedding dress STILL needs cleaned.
Can you imagine? three years later??

God is good.

Bryan and I saw a dog last night.
We were leaving wal-mart and this man
was standing at the end of the parking lot
with a dog who was laying on the grass
trying to stay cool.
He had a little vest on the read, "Adopt Me."

We so wanted to.
Honestly if we could have large dogs
and the money to buy all the things needed
and Chloe wouldn't disown us
we would have taken him in a heart beat.
But, alas, we couldn't.
I hope he goes to a good home.
Poor Pete.


Friday, May 18, 2007

Four hard days of labor later...

Two very sore legs from butt to toes.
Three giant bruises.
Five cracks to the shins from a shovel.
Eleventy billion bonks to the head.
Cold, windy, rainy.
Blistering heat.
Lots of water and sunblock.
Many redoes
from thousands of nuts and bolts on a swirly slide
to large upright 4×4×8.
The playground is finally finished.
And it was all worth it.

...Now to see their tiny happy faces on their new playstation.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Playground Fury

For the past two days
Bryan and I helped work
on the churches new playground.
It's ginormous.
We got today off but we go
back tomorrow to try to
get it done.
I'm actually excited to finish it.

I have scraps and splinter marks
as well as bruises galore.
Not to mention the
massive muscles
I'm gaining!

Got tickets to the Gun Show??

Monday, April 30, 2007

I am still sick.

Well now I'm just coughing up
what moved to my lungs
with a bit of a stuffy/runny nose.
Being sick stinks.

Our home is a mess!
We need a house for more room!

Finals are Friday.
Last day is a week from tomorrow.
I get a week and a half off
and then back to summer classes.

My self-portrait is coming along.

I'm ready to see my family.
I miss my mom .

Bryan and I walked Shadow
on Saturday
and he bruised me when he
pulled on the leash that was looped
onto my forearm.
He likes people and that's what he found-
someone else to pet him.

That's all I can think of.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Where's my Saturday?

Bryan and I haven't had a
day off
in forever.

Last night Bryan worked.
Today he has band practice
and we have laundry.
Tomorrow we have church
in the morning
followed by a fellowship dinner
then an ice cream social.

I also have a paper to write...
And we still have a house to clean.


Monday, April 16, 2007

Red head?

Someone told me today
"you're sexy for a red head,"
as he looked me up and down.

I rolled my eyes,
shook my head and
walked away thinking
"my husband thinks so too."

Friday, April 13, 2007

Bryan gave me flowers for no reason...

aren't they beautiful?
He's so wonderful.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

In recent news...

Easter wasn't too bad.
A little stressful
but I love my family
They are so lovely.

I have a quiz to take.
I've figured out a way to
take really great notes
in Sociology.

Speaking of...
My professor had her baby.
And on her birthday-
she didn't want that to happen.
But it did so what can you do.
Ask the baby to wait another day?

I also have two letters to write,
a birthday present to send,
grocery shopping to do
and some cleaning of the house.

Our cat is such a dog.

I did some painting today.
I'm not caring for how my self-portrait
is turning out.
I'm thinking about destroying it.
Not sure yet...

I destroyed my self-portrait
and my fellow classmates and friends
are NOT
happy with me...

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Last night I discovered something

The sin you create today
will effect someone
that you may not even know.
But one day,
maybe ten years from now,
your sin will have an effect on someone.

Makes you think twice about your actions-
doesn't it...?

We are human.
"We all fall short of the glory of God."
That's truth.
But there is grace.
Thank God for grace.

I am good.
And very happy.
I love Bryan.

Monday, April 02, 2007

just in case you were interested.

My Intro to Soc professor
is due today.
So we get a new professor
to take over the class
until the end of the semester.

It's awful.

He teaches very differently
You can tell that he's very
but he has no format,
So he's very hard to follow.
Plus he's from Africa
so he has a very thick accent.

You really can't blame him
because he doesn't teach this subject.
And you can't blame our
-very pregnant- professor for
obvious reasons.

So we'll just have to make due.
I'll have to start reading my book
since he doesn't cover it.
And take notes on my own.

In other news:
In painting we have to do a
I feel kind of self-righteous doing it.
Just cause my face is plastered on a canvas.
But I thought it would be cool
to make a canvas the same size and do
Bryan's portrait.
That'd be cool.

Let's see... what else...

Miss Chloe is now three.
I forget how many that is in cat years.
...-I just looked it up. She's now 25ish.
That's older than me...

I'm taking summer classes.
so not entirely thrilled
but you do whatchya gotta do.
I'm also not not entirely thrilled, either.
I love learning.
The only thing is figuring out how to
pay for it.

We realized that our house is too messy.

We also get to go down and see my
grama and grampa.
That is exciting.

I have another big test tomorrow.
And capoeira tonight.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I don't know what to say here.

I'm soo tired.
Bryan and I had to do
laundry last night.
We were out til one.
I'm falling asleep as I type.

I'm hungry and would like some pizza.

One of my professors is due to
give birth
on Monday.
So she's leaving and someone else
is taking over the class.
I'll miss her.
I really
respect her as an educator.
I talked to her this morning
about all the baby stuff.
Very cool.

I took two tests today
back to back.
I only got an 80% on one.
So my 98 dropped to a 93.
That makes me sad.
I think I did better in
the other one though.

I'm taking classes this summer.
I'm excited.
But I need to find a job-
so we can pay for it.

if all goes well,
I'll be done at the end of this year.

still hungry.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Friday Night Fun

The Evanescence concert
was awesome.
My mom,
and I went.

Finger Eleven was very good.
Chevelle was ok.
Mom almost fell asleep waiting for the
Main Act.

Amy Lee is very lovely.
She came out in a black tutu
black combat boots with green tights.
She has an amazing vocal range.
And beautiful hair.

I asked for her hair for Christmas..
not literally.
Just beautiful hair down to my butt.

All in all it was a very good show.

Friday, March 16, 2007


I have a paper to write
and I don't feel like doing it.
Good thing it's not due until wednesday.

I'm not doing so well
in the basketball brackets.
I was.
Now I'm not.

Spring break is almost over.
I hate to say it but I'm kind of ready.
for school again.

We're ready for a house.
We think we might rent a house here
until we decide
if and when to move.

All God willing.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Spring Break is here...

This weekend was fun.

Got to see my mom,
grama and grampa.

I was home-sick for buster.
Played with buster,
chance and chaboomer.

Ate lots of home-baked goodies.
Weather was gorgeous!

Wanted to stay for another week.

Miss everyone already.

...Ready to go back.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Sorry, we're open.

We were suppose to go down to
my grandparents
again this weekend.
But it didn't happen because of
the weather.
So we will try again next weekend.
Third time's a charm.

We didn't have school
and also last Monday.
From here on out,
it's suppose to get warmer.

I predict we'll have one more
snow storm
before summer beings.

I went into Michaels last night
for some art supplies.
I really shouldn't be allowed in there.

Bryan went into Best Buy...
he shouldn't be allowed in there either.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Black-out picture fun

So here are some pictures from the
black out last night.
We tried to amuse ourselves with the flashlight.

Bryan is handsome, even in this light.

He makes me laugh.

Bryan loves September loves Bryan.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Oh, the weather outside is frightful...

Bryan and I were suppose to
go down to my grandparents
but we kept hearing all this stuff
of bad weather.
Needless to say we didn't go so
we didn't end up staying
longer than intended.

I shouldn't miss anymore school.

I guess that on the news
our city was mentioned by name.
Many warnings of a

We've received a lot of sleet
to which is now ice-
We have also gotten some snow
but not yet the blizzard.

The wind is blowing so hard that the
trees are almost in half,
the building we live in is creaking
and the lights have been flickering.

Those poor trees look so cold.
And I'm just waiting to loose power.

Being stuck inside has been fun, however.
We have cleaned the kitchen,
ate a whole thing of cookie dough,
made homemade bread,
made some good ol' chili with cornbread
(the corn bread wasn't so good
cause it was a mix),
took a nap,
and had ice cream.
It has all been delightful.

It's oh so nice to be trapped with someone you

Five minutes after this post we lost all power. It remained off until the middle of the night.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

It's made a come back

This is a post that I did back in December of 2005. Nothing has seemed to change so I thought it was proper to post it again.

Things I thoroughly dislike with a passion about drivers

I recently read in another blog the rantings about things that are hated and I thought it was a good idea to blow off steam. So since I about got out of my truck to scream at a few I thought I'd list the top 10 things I hate that people do when they are driving. (#3 happened tonight, it occured twice as I sat at a red light then green back to red and green again...)

My top 10 list

10. limit turn off
-I don't mind driving the speed limit but don't go 10 under.. even 5 under is annoying. If something is wrong for you to go slower it's fine but that's what hazard lights are for.

9. too little too ...early
-You're driving down the road and someone pulls out in front of you making you put on the brakes. Then they drive real slow when they could have waited two more seconds for you to pass and then drive as slow as they want.

8. sitting in blind spots
-i hate when people sit in others blind spots. They go fast enough only to sit where you can't see them then when you would like to get over you can't because someone is sitting there. Especially when they do it to semi's. They can't see you so if they run into you then I say ...ha. ha. ha.

7. can't talk and drive at the same time.
-faster and slower then all over the road. Can you not breathe and blink at the same time either?

6. two lane envy
-I hate when there are two lanes and one ends for some reason or another and rather than waiting in line like every other person they zoom as far as they can and expect someone to let them in. Wait your flippin turn. This also goes for people who zig zag in and out of all the other cars, speed and cut people off just to end up in the same place at the same time as everyone else that they originally cut off.

5. "what's this button for?"
-does anyone know what cruise control is? and if you don't have it learn to level your foot so your not driving like an idiot all over the road. And this way you also don't have people passing you because your slow and then you pass them because you decide to drive again, then so on and so forth...

4. driving slower in the passing lane
-there is a reason it's called the "passing lane" and not the "drive as slow as you want this way no one can go around your lazy butt" lane.

3. intersections and red lights
-whether the light is green or turning red I hate it when people continuing going through an intersection when the lane is full of stopped cars and it's starting to back up into the intersection. Then nonchalantly sit there while the light is green for the opposite direction to go.

2. four way stops.
-people have forgotten how to 1. stop at a stop sign and 2. go when it's their turn. The yeild sign is for you not to fully stop but a stop sign means put on the brakes and come to a hault to look both ways before proceeding.

And the number one thing I hate:
1. blinkerphobia
-I absolutely hate it when people don't use their blinker. Because then you're wondering, "why the heck are you slowing down for no apparent- ...oh your turning... gee, I wish there was a way I could have known that you were going to turn- oh wait!! There is! It's called your flippin BLINKER!!!"

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Freezing Point

So this morning
I fell on the ice.

First falling forward onto
the wet, muddy
snow covered ground.
Landing on my right hip and hand.

Then after seriously debating
on going back upstairs and
straight to bed,
I got back up and
and hit ice again.

This time with my feet
going out from underneath me
landing me on my butt.
Thankfully I had on my back-pack.
Otherwise I would have hit my head.

All this in under one minute.

I'm such a clutz.
But it really did hurt...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Snow Day

I wish I would have
known this before
I drove an hour in the
slick as snot snow.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Today's Story Time- (brought to you by the letter S)

So I have a couple of stories for you.
Even though they are from yesterday...

So first off-
Did you hear about the death of
Anna Nicole Smith?
Yesterday at 2ish.
They are doing an autopsy today-
So we'll see what exactly happened-
in spite of all the rumors going around.

Moving on...
But be forewarned-
This is a vent.

So last Sunday
Bryan and I went house hunting.
We found this house for sale but
it didn't have a sign.
I asked Bryan to look into it.

I looked online and fell
with this house.
and a Steal.

So Wednesday when Bryan
called the realtor they told us it
it had sold just
twenty minutes before.

I cried.
I'm still praying that it isn't.

So yesterday I was on
my way to school.
Driving in town in the left lane
of two lane street,
there was a car in front of me
who was a little
brake happy.

So there she was
Ms. Brake Happy
tap-tap-tapping away-
Who wasn't happy if she wasn't going
exactly the speed limit.
I wasn't sure what was going on
so I slowed down as well.
Until she slammed on her brakes.

I saw there was a white car
coming the opposing direction
wanting to turn.
I came within inches
of hitting
Ms. Brake Happy.
So I laid on my horn.
(not at Ms. Brake Happy
but at the idiot sitting in oncoming traffic)

People can not drive here.

So my brothers-in-law are
driving me mad.
The one getting married
won't help pay for anything
"he has no money."

But yet they manage to
scrounge up money
to go out to eat
spending $40 on dinner
$150 on comedians
or they go out and spend
$6 on a pint of ice cream.


It doesn't help that they
get the most expensive things
because they don't
have any bills to pay-

Then both of the brothers will
come over
and eat all of our food!

For example:
I made two large loaves of
-chocolate chip banana bread-
on Wednesday.
They came over last night
and this morning (Friday)
it was almost gone.
Not to mention uncovered so
whatever was left was
drying out.

And yet it's such a task to pick
up a gallon of milk
or share the food they've bought
for themselves.

poopy, stinky, lame, poopy boys-
I fart in your general dIrection!

Yeah that's right.
I went there

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

New news... not really... well kind of.

So I'm bored with this semester...
I feel bad about it.
But I think my painting class is
A Joke.
My art history class is
but it's

I am ready for my
algebra class
to be over.
It's not hard
it's just old.

I do like my Sociology class.
We have this really
interesting assignment.
It's a little hard to explain
but basically I'm going out and
hugging strangers.

I'm a little nervous.

But it's better than doing
something rude.
I just couldn't handle the thought of
being mean to someone.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Jim Gaffi-what?

This weekend my family was here.
On their way over they took a wrong turn.
An hour from Minnisota
two more from us.

They weren't lying.
A four hour drive turned six.

When they did get here
we surprised Courtney with cake
as she walked in the door.

That made her happy.

It was her birfday on the 16th.
Her party didn't get to happen
so we had a little shindig for her.

But she was having issues
with her picture being taken.
I took it anyway.

We all played Uno.

My mom won right away
the rest of the game took

We started to go a little crazy.

There was also
No one played
but we did have fun with the mask.


My mama is so pretty.

On Saturday we all went to
David's Bridal
to watch Alyssa try on her dress.
Then we went out to eat.
Mexican food.
If you've never had Carlos O'Kelly's
I HIGHLY recommend it.

Sunday after church
my family left.
But later that night
and I
went to see
Jim Gaffigan

It was so awesome.
Both him and the
opening act
we great.
If you don't know
who Jim Gaffigan is.
Find out!
Good times.
So worth $30 a piece.

My cheeks are so rosy...

Well, that's all I have to say.
So have a good rest of Monday.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Happy Day!

Today is a good day.

My mom and sisters are
on their way to visit.
Birthday -surprise- party in store.
Healthy diets work.
It's the weekend.
Art and bridal stuff tomorrow.
I'm on the Dean's list!!!
God is good.

On the down side:
My grandparents are still sick,
I have a test next wednesday,
a paper to write
and I'm hungry.

God is still good.

That's it.
All for now.
Have a good day!!

(Whoo! Dean's list! *does a jig*)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I love...

the first snow fall.
the cold.
big sweaters.

I love hot cocoa-
and hot tea.
fluffy comforters.
frosty breath.

I love cuddling with Bryan-
and watching a great movie.
hanging icicles.
soft mittens.

I love warm candles-
and Christmas lights.
fuzzy socks.

I love the crisp nights-
and the starry skies.
a roaring fire.
eskimo kisses.
snow angels.
home made goodies.

...I love winter.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Donate Your Exploding Water to the Homeless

So, if you didn't know,
I'm in California with Bryan.
Instead of the scheduled
six hours
it took us 13 hours to get here.


Our first flight out
left 2 hours after it's intended time.
But our connecting flight left on time-
An hour before we arrived.

So we had to get another flight.
It wasn't scheduled to leave for another
three hours.
So we sat and waited.
We finally made it at 12:30am
our time, 10:30 here.

Bed time-
2:30 central.

I did try to sleep on the plane-
Neck pillows SUCK.
So I used Bryan's sweatshirt instead.

But the greatest story I have for you today
started when we were going through security.

They asked if we had any liquids-
so we got into our bag and started getting them out.
The guy went through my make-up and pulled out
my 12oz moisturizer and said I couldn't take it.
We didn't have checked baggage
or someone waiting for us
so he threw it away.
Same with my face wash.

You should know how crucial these are.

Then we asked if we had to get rid of our water.
He was like-
"Yes, but you can buy some inside to take on the plane."
So Bryan said-
"But the seal isn't even broken."
So he responded-
"Yes, but that doesn't matter."
But would you like to donate it to the homeless?"

You're going to donate our exploding water
to the poor people of the world?

What a ridiculous concept.
You won't let us take this water on the plane
for fear it has exploding chemicals-
But you'll give it to the homeless...

So all in all
The government took my
my face wash
and my moisturizer!

Now the question lies-
How do I wash my face today?

Sunday, January 07, 2007

I like today's date...

It's done.
I cut my own hair.
I don't think it's straight on the bottom.
So it's a good thing it's curly.

Friday, January 05, 2007

I love my mom.

School starts monday.
Payment for it is due.
I'm excited for class-
And nervous.

I'm in my next phase of
artistic classes-

First week of the new year
was pretty good.

I am now officially the
Wedding Planner
Hair stylist
for Brent and Alyssa's

Her parents suck.
We'll just leave it at that-
Except, that her mom
didn't come to see her
try on wedding dresses.

So I went with her.
And she found it.
The One.
And she looked beautiful.

I'm kind of enjoying being a
Wedding Planner.
Even if Alyssa makes it easy.
I think it might be up my alley...

I need a hair cut.
And I think I might be daring.
Any suggestions?

Monday, January 01, 2007

I started the new year off right...

With a good kiss.

Happy New Year-
It'll be a good one.

What is one thing you would like
for this year to bring?

I have one...